使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制

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使用LabVIEW FPGA(现场可编程门阵列)模块开发可编程自动化控制器(中文4000字,英文2000字)
      工业控制上的应用要求高度集成的模拟和数字输入输出、浮点运算和多重处理节点的无缝连接。因为它对这些应用的理想解决方案,在工业控制市场上,可编程自动化控制器(PAC)正逐渐被接受。通过一种普通的软件开发环境NI LabVIEW,国家仪器公司提供各种可编程自动化控制器的解决方案。有了LabVIEW,你可以用像NI LabVIEW FPGA模块一样的附加软件为工业应用开发自定义输入输出界面。
      为将FPGA技术的灵活性和可定制性并入工业PAC系统,国家仪器公司利用LabVIEW FPGA模块和实时输入输出(RIO)硬件提供了一种直观、容易理解的解决方法。无须了解低级的硬件描述语言(HDL)或广泛的硬件设计细节,你可以定义嵌入含有RIO硬件对象家族的FPGA芯片里的逻辑,也可以快速地为超高速控制、定制的定时和同步、低级的信号处理、用模拟或数字定制的输入输出、一个单独设备的计数器来定义硬件。你也可以将得到的图像、分析、运动控制、比如CAN和RS232一样的工业协议集成到你的定制NI RIO(实时输入输出)硬件,这样就可以快速地事先并标准一个完整的PAC系统。
Building Programmable Automation Controllers with LabVIEW FPGA
Programmable Automation Controllers (PACs) are gaining acceptance within the industrial control market as the ideal solution for applications that require highly integrated analog and digital I/O, floating-point processing, and seamless connectivity to multiple processing nodes. National Instruments offers a variety of PAC solutions powered by one common software development environment, NI LabVIEW. With LabVIEW, you can build custom I/O interfaces for industrial applications using add-on software, such as the NI LabVIEW FPGA Module.
    With the LabVIEW FPGA Module and reconfigurable I/O (RIO) hardware, National Instruments delivers an intuitive, accessible solution for incorporating the flexibility and customizability of FPGA technology into industrial PAC systems. You can define the logic embedded in FPGA chips across the family of RIO hardware targets without knowing low-level hardware description languages (HDLs) or board-level hardware design details, as well as quickly define hardware for ultrahigh-speed control, customized timing and synchronization, low-level signal processing, and custom I/O with analog, digital, and counters within a single device. You also can integrate your custom NI RIO hardware with image acquisition and analysis, motion control, and industrial protocols, such as CAN and RS232, to rapidly prototype and implement a complete PAC system.