本文描述了一个智能家居的应用,可以满足老年人在家独自生活的基本需求,尤其包括安全问题。系统最初是基于通用的体系结构,可以进一步定制的用户需求。 通用体系结构的主要组件是能够处理一种特定语言或设置语言,作为输入提供给系统。
Natural Language Processing based Context Sensitive, Content
Specific Architecture & its Speech based Implementation for Smart Home Applications
The one of the upcoming research stream of Computer Science and Engineering is Natural Language Processing (NLP), which is widely being used in design of Interfaces for Human-Computer Interaction. One of the basic applicati-ons of NLP, is design of “Smart Homes”, in which; based on user input certain actions can be performed either locall-y inside the house or globally outside the house. The smart homes designed are either based on remote input pro-vided to the system from one place in the house or limited to only certain type of actions which the system can handle. The current state of art of the Smart Home design methodologies, does not incl-udes the design of customized systems capable of handling inputs from different gender i.e., in different pitches, simil-arly the methodologies does not provides facilities to handle input in different language. T he systems exist-ing are not capable of understanding the context of situation and determining actions based on context.