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Development and maintenance of CNC technology
Numerical control technology and equipment is the development of new high-tech industry and cutting-edge enabling technology, industry and the most basic equipment. The world information industry, biological industry, aviation, aerospace and other defense industry widely used numerical techniques to improve manufacturing capacity and level, to improve the adaptability of the market and competitiveness. Industrial countries and CNC numerical control technology and equipment will also be listed as countries of strategic materials, not only to develop their own numerical control technology and industry, and in "sophisticated" technology and equipment, numerical control key aspects of the policy of closures and restrictions. Therefore, efforts to develop advanced numerical control technology as the core manufacturing technology has become the world's developed countries to accelerate economic development, enhance the comprehensive national strength and an important way to statehood.
The N/C system consists of the following components:data input,the tape reader with the control unit,feedback devices,and the metal—cutting machine tool or other type of N/C equipment.