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摘要  发动机发生故障时,时常伴随着异常声音出现。分析了几种故障产生的原因及异响特征,并提出了排除方法,以供参考。
    关键词发动机 异响  原因  排除

The engine and eliminate the causes abnormal sound occurs
Summary  of engine failure, often accompanied with the abnormal sound appears. Analysis of several causes for the failure and abnormal sound characteristics, and proposed exclusion method for reference.
Keywords  engine  abnormal sound    reason      excluded
   Engine failure, often accompanied with the exception of the voices, the engine appeared abnormal sound, first of all to distinguish according to the type of sound is due to the outbreak of the normal percussion sound generated, or the abnormal movement resulting crash, and then According to abnormal sound characteristics, combined with structural principles determine the cause, the exclusion [1-4]. Now several causes for the failure, abnormal sound analysis of characteristics of excluded methods as follows.