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The past two years, Internet banking in the world set off a boom, has become a popular words. Internet banking is the combination of traditional financial industry and Internet spirit. Compared with traditional finance, Internet banking has different media services, and it has higher transparency, stronger collaboration and more convenient operation than traditional financial industry. Internet banking can also be extended to self-service transfer, third party payment, online lending, online banking and financial e-commerce model.
With the advent of the Internet financial era, the national economy has deepened dependence on the Internet, prompting us to pay attention to the various risk factors of Internet banking. In Alipay's "balance of treasure" the financial products risk management case as a starting point, combined with the actual situation of the Internet financial market of our country, the three dimensions in the play the role of the market, perfect the supervision model, timely legislation put forward the risk management method. This paper refers to the actual case of Internet banking, studies the latest trends in the industry, and uses more empirical analysis and comparative analysis. It has a strong practical significance for the Internet financial risk and management methods. The method of risk management provided in this paper can provide reference for risk management of domestic Internet banking to a certain extent. I believe that with the continuous development of the Internet financial market supervision mechanism and improve the laws and regulations of our country, to effectively manage the risk of Internet banking, and then walk in the world of Internet financial industry forefront.
Key Words:Internet finance; risk management; balance of treasure; Alipay

1 绪论    3
1.1研究目的和研究意义    3
1.2国内外研究现状    4
1.3研究内容和研究方法    5
2网络金融风险管理的相关理论    6
2.1 网络金融风险管理的概念界定    8
2.2网络金融风险管理理论    8
2.3SWOT分析方法    9
3 支付宝公司网络金融风险管理现状及问题    11
3.1支付宝公司余额宝简介    11
3.2支付宝公司网络金融风险管理现状分析    12
4 支付宝公司网络金融风险管理问题原因分析    17
4.1风险防范能力薄弱,体制建设不完善    17
4.2 相关制约类法律制度和政府的有效监管的缺失    18
4.3网络金融消费的权益无法得到真正保护    19
5 网络金融风险应对策略研究    17
5.1完善公开机制,采取大数据策略    17
5.2 加强监管力度,规范网络金融体系    18
5.3适应市场变化,加快产品创新    19
5.4细分客户群体、注重客户关系维护    19
5.5加强网络金融人才的培训    20
6参考文献    22