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关键词:移动支付  安全问题  信息泄露  身份验证

The problems of mobile payment in e-commerce environment and the corresponding optimizing strategies
  Mobile payment, this emerging industry has presented the enterprises with new opportunities, but also with new challenges. In the meantime, it has brought the users with convenience and enriched their daily life. It is becoming a hot issue in today's society when smart phones are widely used and the E-shops like taobao、jingdong gain acceptance. Mobile security is one of the most urgent, and complex challenges to mobile payment. There are three main security issues to mobile payment: the virus of the cell phone、system vulnerabilities、scam text messages and phone calls.
  The purpose of this research is to discuss the problems which occurred in the mobile payment security and present the corresponding optimizing strategies. The focus of the article is on mobile phone virus, network fraud and illegal use of others information etc., what behaviors will endanger the safety of the mobile payment security. My goal is just to show everybody some about the problems of mobile payment and the relevant preventive measures. I also hope it can help promote the emerging industry develop rapidly and healthily.
Key Words: mobile payment; security problem; information leakage; authentication
目  录
摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 研究背景及意义    1
1.2 主要研究内容    1
第二章 文献综述    3
2.1 国内外移动支付发展现状    3
2.1.1 国内发展现状    3
2.1.2 国外发展现状    3
2.2 移动支付的定义及特征    4
2.2.1 移动支付的定义    4
2.2.2 移动支付的特征    4
2.3 移动支付的支付流程、方式及种类    5
2.3.1 支付流程    5
2.3.2 支付方式    5
2.3.3 支付种类    6
第三章 我国移动支付使用情况的调查与分析    7
3.1 调查目的    7
3.2 调查对象    7
3.3 问卷设计的依据    7
3.4 数据整理与分析    7
3.5 小结    11
第四章 我国移动支付发展中存在的问题分析    13
4.1 技术问题    13
4.2 安全问题    13
4.2.1 盗号木马    13
4.2.2 支付软件漏洞    13
4.2.3 诈骗短信    14
第五章 优化策略    15
5.1 身份识别    15
5.1.1 身份识别的一般方式    15
5.1.2 新型身份认证技术    15
5.2 手机安全应用软件    17
5.2.1 安全软件技术    17
5.2.2 移动交易安全机制    18
5.2.3 手机安全软件的必要性    18
5.2.4 培养良好的安全习惯    19
5.3 注重手机终端安全    20
第六章 结束语    21
参考文献    22
附录    24
致谢    25