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摘    要

关键词: 中国,俄罗斯,金融政策,中央银行,人民币

China and the Russian financial policy adjustment and its effect
Since the 1990 s, Russia, eastern European countries and China has taken a different pattern transformation, from the traditional planned economy to market economy. So, transition countries in the financial sector financial reform started in a different way. With the enlargement of the financial globalization, the different effect of the financial system transformation in transition countries is more and more obvious. China and Russia are the two transitions, one on one of the most influential countries in the world's largest economy. Under the impetus of the economic globalization, China and Russia economic transition between continued to deepen. In the process of transformation, all-round opening to the outside world and the expansion of foreign economic relations and trade, and actively participate in international division of labor, greatly promote the development of economic globalization and international economic cooperation. After years of financial reform, China and Russia have achieved fruitful results. This article through the analysis of the reform path between China and Russia, comparative analysis and the research aspects in the transformation of the financial system and its effect, and puts forward the future direction national institutional arrangements of the financial system.
Compared to fiscal and monetary policy of central bank's monetary internationalization reform, financial institutions, the two countries concluded that security, to achieve the goals of the central bank's monetary policy, it is necessary to improve the independence of the central bank; Promote the internationalisation of the renminbi, make China a better participation in the internationalization process; Clear financial function, better serve the real economy of the development of the financial, because the foundation of the survival and development of human society, is always at the same time develop the real economy, the real economy will promote financial and promote each other.

KEYWORDS:china, Russia, financial policy, the central bank, the yuan

目    录
1 中俄两国金融政策调整的状况    1
1.1 中俄金融政策调整方式比较    1
1.2 俄罗斯金融政策调整的措施    2
1.3 中国金融政策调整的路径    2
2 中俄金融政策调整的绩效比较    4
2.1 本国货币国际化战略差异    4
2.2 金融机构货币的“财政化”    6
2.3 中央银行执行金融政策的权力及职能转换    8
3 两国金融政策制度改革及政策调整的启示    10
3.1 本币国际化    10
3.2 金融与实体经济    11
3.3 中央银行定位    12
参考文献    14
后    记    15