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摘  要:网络时代的到来,不仅改变了人们的生活方式,工作方式还有人们以往对银行的观念,而且也改变和影响着银行的营销观念和经营的方式。网络金融的快速发展为整个金融行业也提供了新的发展领域和新的战略方向。中国在2001年已经加入了世界贸易组织,并且中国的金融业也在逐步开放,国内的银行也将面临着考验。中信银行作为商业银行也不可避免的面临着日益激烈的市场竞争,那么传统的经营理念就会落后。在当前的网络经济下,对中信银行来说如何跟上时代发展的潮流开展网络金融营销是一个急需要解决的问题。


China citic bank network financial marketing strategies
Abstract: The advent of the era of network, not only changed people's way of life, work and people's ideas, past the bank and it also change and influence the marketing concept and operation way of the bank. The rapid development of network finance for the entire financial industry also provides a new development and new strategic direction. China has joined the world trade organization in 2001, and China's financial industry is gradually open, domestic Banks will face a testing few months. Citic bank as a commercial bank may inevitably faced with the increasingly fierce market competition, the traditional management idea will lag behind. In the current under the network economy, how to keep up with the time development trend for China citic bank to carry out the network financial marketing is an urgent need to solve the problem.
Based on the background of China citic bank, from the development of the network financial marketing present situation of China citic bank, citic bank network financial marketing problems; Based on the current situation of the commercial bank network financial marketing abroad and an introduction to the experience and the domestic and foreign commercial bank network financial marketing strategy, to the development of the network financial marketing of citic bank bring some enlightenment. To citic bank network marketing environment is analyzed, and on the basis of design for citic bank network marketing strategy; Based on the research of the citic bank network marketing strategy, the overall marketing strategy of China citic bank network financial planning. For the China citic bank to establish a complete marketing network financial system put forward ideas and Suggestions.

Key words:China citic bank, the financial network, network financial marketing strategy

目 录
摘  要    1
关键词    1
Abstract    1
Key words    1
一、中信银行的背景及国外发展状况    2
二、中信银行网络金融营销SWOT分析    4
三、中信银行网络金融营销业务范围    5
(一)网络建设和网点数量    5
(二)电子银行业务    5
(三)理财产品    7
(四)信用卡业务    9
四、中信银行网络金融营销现状    9
(一)网上银行业务    9
1.规定的业务内容    9
2.电子载体类业务    11
(二)市场份额情况    11
1.储蓄存款    11
2.贷款    11
1.观念落后    13
2.市场定位不准确    13
3.金融产品与客户结构不完善    14
注 释21
参考文献    21