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Abstract:Biological the government transter payment is an important part of government spending, and with financial support of economic development, improving people's living standards,motivate the government reasonably increase revenue and reduce expenditure, to a certain extent, to optimize the allocation of resources. to strengthen the government's macro-control ability.After the transfer of data in recent years in Xishui county government to carry on the analysis,found in Xishui county government transfer payments are the lack of economic development lead to the transfer of limitede capacity to pay,in the supervision in the process of transfer payment system needs to be futher improved,and the transfer payment implementing enough problems. Therefore, the government should vigorously develop the county economy, to provide power for for the government transfer payment, strengthen supervision, the implementation of funds after the payment of feedback..
Key words:Government transfer payments, Xishui county, Payment problems, Solutions

目    录
摘    要    2
关 键 词    2
Abstract    2
Key words    2
引    言    3
一、政府转移支付和世界研究现状    3
(一)含义和作用    3
(二)国内外研究现状    4
二、习水县政府转移支付的情况    6
(一)背景    6
(二)习水县政府转移支付的基本情况    6
(三)政府转移支付的监督    9
三、习水县转移支付监督存在的问题    9
(一)财政监督存在的问题    9
1.财政局公示财政资料途径狭窄    9
2.百姓监督意识缺乏    9
(二)转移支付反馈存在的问题    10
1.对上级政府补助依赖大    10
2.相关部门对转移支付的落实效果缺乏科学的数据说明    10
3.缺乏相应的反馈机制    10
四、解决措施    10
(一)继续发展“一黑一白”并扶持旅游业    10
(二)根据实际情况进行科学运用和结构调整    11
(三)相关政府部门和百姓双向交流反馈和问题处理    11
(四)政府和百姓共同努力提高百姓关注热情    11
结    语    12
参考文献    13
致    谢    14