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摘  要
This is a design about a freeway from Erlianhaote to Hekou.Thisis a design about a highway in DQ1404.and the designed part of the road is 5 kilometers in length. It is based on the principle of “reasonable layout, suiting measures to local conditions, and not destroying residents’ lives”. In the design, the road grade is determined according to the traffic volume. The design is determined as a Class I highway and the design speed is 80km/h. Determine a route on the topographic map, and carry out plane design, vertical section design and cross section design. Then the design of the retaining structure is carried out on the basis of the cross-sectional design. The culvert design and subgrade drainage design are carried out on the basis of the design of retaining structures. Then, the design of the road surface was carried out, and the sub-item budgeting of these two items was completed on the basis of subgrade earthwork and pavement engineering.Finally summarize the entire road information and design the transportation ancillary facilities.
Key Words:freeway; plane, profile, cross section design;support structure; culvert; pavement; budget;transportation ancillary facilities



第1章  绪论    1
1.1  中国公路发展概况    1
1.2 选题的意义    1
1.3 设计主要内容    1
第2章  路线    2
2.1 线形设计要求    2
2.1.1  平面线形设计标准    2
2.1.2 纵面线形设计标准    2
2.2  选线    3
2.3  平面设计    3
2.3.1线形设计    3
2.3.2 计算举例    3
2.4 纵断面设计    7
2.4.1  竖曲线设计    7
2.4.2  计算举例    8
2.5 平纵组合检查    9
第3章  路基    10
3.1 设计标准    10
3.2 路基设计    11
3.2.1  初步设计    11
3.2.2 挡土墙设计    12
第4 章 路面    15
4.1路面设计的选择    15
4.2 路面设计步骤    15
4.3路面设计    15
4.3.1设计资料    15
4.3.2  初拟采用两种路面结构    16
4.3.3 沥青混凝土路面计算    16
4.3.4  方案比选    19
第5章  排水    21
5.1排水设计原则    21
5.2排水设施设计    21
5.2.1边沟    21
5.2.2截水沟    21
第6章  涵洞    22
6.1  涵洞的形式    22
6.2  涵洞设计    22
6.3具体涵洞设计    23
第7章 交通附属设施    25
7.1  标志,标线设计    25
7.1.1交通标志    25
7.1.2交通标线    26
7.2  安全设施设计    26
第8章 预算    27
8.1路基土石方施工预算    27
8.2沥青路面施工预算    27
结  论    29
致  谢    31
参考文献    32