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With the rapid development of China's highway and railway networks, in order to better connect the world, there have been many new constructions and bridges to be built in China. Many of these newly built bridges are high-rise bridges with good applicability and excellent performance. And these newly designed bridges are mostly reinforced concrete in the selection of materials, and most of them are hollow piers in structure. Among these hollow piers, the rectangular section is a commonly used one of the section types, so it is urgent to study the seismic performance of the hollow rectangular section piers.
In this paper, the p3 connecting pier of Changbugou Bridge is used as a calculation example for modeling analysis. Firstly, the parameter values of the materials are determined. The OpenSees program is used to model and analyze the p3 connection piers, and then the hand calculation is used to check whether the model is correct. Secondly, the axial compression ratio is changed to obtain different section bending moment-curvature curves and pushover curves. Finally, different seismic waves are applied for seismic response analysis.
The study shows that the section curvature can accurately reflect the state of the pier into the elastoplastic damage; when the axial compression ratio changes, the section curvature and curvature ductility change with the axial compression ratio.
Key words: hollow rectangular section; OpenSees; curvature; seismic performance


第1章 绪论    1
1.1研究背景    1
1.2 空心桥墩在我国的发展    3
1.3研究现状    3
1.4研究目的    4
1.5研究内容    5
第2章 空心矩形截面抗震性能分析基本理论    6
2.1基本假定    6
2.2抗震性能指标    6
2.3性能水准划分    6
2.4 延性简介    7
第3章 基于OpenSees建立桥墩有限元分析模型    8
3.1有限元分析程序OpenSees简介    8
3.2 实例简介    9
3.3 材料的参数确定    10
3.3.1混凝土参数取值    10
3.3.2 钢筋参数取值    10
3.4 墩柱顶部荷载计算    11
3.4.1墩柱上部参数取值    11
3.4.2 墩柱上部集中荷载计算    11
3.5 模型的建立    12
3.5.1 纤维模型简介    12
3.5.2 材料本构模型的选择    13
3.5.3 节点与截面的建立    14
3.5.4 单元的建立与模型检验    17
3.6 本章小结    19
第4章 基于所建模型的墩柱分析    20
4.1墩柱截面分析    20
4.1.1弯矩-曲率分析理论    20
4.1.2轴压比对弯矩-曲率的影响    20
4.2 墩柱单向推覆分析    23
4.3 本章小结    27
5.1动态时程分析法介绍    28
5.2 地震波的选取    28
5.3 延性系数简介    29
5.4 地震响应分析    30
5.5本章小结    34
第6章 结论与展望    35
6.1 结论    35
6.2 展望    35
参考文献    36
附录    37
致谢    41