The deign is for Wuyi county urban drainage engineering design.the purpose is to make the better plan for the drainage system of Wuyi county,so as to reduce the environmental pollution in Wuyi county.
Urban pipeline is divided into sewage pipe network design and rainwater pipe network design.Drainade system is the diversion system,taking advantage of the topography of drainage along the siope.Drainage of sewage and rainwater should make full use of the terrain,sloping drainage by gravity.The selection of urban pipeline system and sewage plant process should be based on the principle of economy,rationality,safety and reliability.
The structures in sewage treatment plant are grille, the lifting pump house, the fine grille, the flat flow saner pool, the A-A-O biological reaction pool, the two sink tank and the contact disinfection pool.This design has carried on the system design calculation explanayion to the sewage pipe network rainwater pipe network and the sewage plant main structure.
Key words:urban pollution,sewage treatment,sewage pipe network,rainwater pipe nework,piping layout, sewage treatment process,nitrogen and phosphorus removal

1.绪论 7
2.设计说明书 8
2.1原始资料 8
2.2排水体制及布置形式 11
2.2.1排水体制的选择 11
2.2.2 布置形式的选择 11
2.3污水管网系统设计 12
2.3.1污水管道布置 12
2.3.2污水管网计算 13
2.4雨水管网系统设计 17
2.4.1雨水管道布置 17
2.4.2雨水管网计算 17
2.5污水处理厂设计 19
2.5.1厂址选择 19
2.5.2工艺流程设计 20
2.5.3水量及水质 20
2.5.4污水厂处理构筑物设计 21
2.5.5污水处理厂平面布置 26
2.5.6污水处理厂高程布置 27
3.设计计算书 28
3.1设计流量 28
3.2设计水质 29
3.3中格栅 31
3.3.1设计参数 31
3.3.2设计计算 31
3.4泵房 33
3.4.1设计参数 33
3.4.2设计计算 33
3.5细格栅 37
3.6.1设计参数 37
3.6.2设计计算 37
3.5平流式沉砂池 38
3.6.1设计参数 38
3.6.2设计计算 39
3.6AAO生物池 41
3.7.1设计参数 41
3.7.2设计计算 41
3.8幅流式二沉池 49
3.8.1设计参数 49
3.8.2设计计算 52
3.9综合井 53
3.9.1生化池出水部分 53
3.9.2二沉池出水部分 54
3.9.3污泥部分 55
3.10消毒 56
3.10.1.消毒剂 56
3.10.2氯库及加氯间的设计 57
3.10.3 接触池设计 57
3.11污泥处理 60
3.11.1污泥量计算 61
3.11.2污泥泵设计 62
3.11.3 污泥脱水车间 63
3.12化学除磷 65
4.污水处理厂平面与高程布置 66
4.1污水处理厂平面布置 66
4.2污水处理厂高程布置 66
5.结论 68
参考文献 69
附录 70
致谢 95