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本工程位于合肥市。主体结构总层数为五层,层高为4m。建筑总高度为21.3m,建筑平面尺寸为42m×24m。抗震设防烈度为 7度,基本地震加速度为 0.10g。


Located in Hefei, this engineering is a steel structure teaching building which has a main body of five floors. All floors of the building are 4 meters high. The building has a total height of 21.3 meters with a plan view size of 42m×24m. In addition,The earthquake fortifying intensity of this engineering is 7 degree, and the basic earthquake acceleration of the design is 0.10g.
The design content includes architectural design and structural design. Architectural design portion includes floor plans, elevations, sections and architectural description. Architectural design portion includes floor plans, elevations, sections and architectural description. Structure design is done with a representational framework design.
The main form of the structure is steel frame structure box-shaped. Splicing nodes were connected by welding bolt. The pressure plate - non-mix concrete floor slab was applied for the floor roof, light-weight aerated concrete block was selected as walls. Meanwhile, steel stairs were selected in the project. the structural design bases on graduation project requests, such as the capacity of resisting the earthquake.
      Structure calculation contents include load calculation, internal force calculation, internal force combination, cross section calculation etc.. After determining the calculation diagram, according to relevant design standards and regulations, The internal force of the structure under vertical load (dead load and live load) is calculated by moment distribution method, the representative value of gravity load is calculated, the free vibration period is solved by vertex displacement method, the horizontal seismic load is calculated by equivalent base shear method, the structural internal forces (moment, shear, axial force) under the action of horizontal earthquake and wind load are solved by the D value method. The internal forces are combined, then the section of beam and column is designed according to the most disadvantaged group or several groups of internal force. The internal forces are adjusted according to the principle of "strong column and weak beam, strong shear and weak bending". Then the floor slab and foundation are designed. Slab is designed according to two-way slabs. The single foundation under column is used. The design of foundation include the calculation of load calculation, the calculation of bearing capacity of foundation, punching calculation and the calculation of foundation reinforcement etc..
Keywords:steel framed structure;the design of connections;the design of steel member

1.1 工程概况
1.2 建筑结构等级指标及设计年限
2、结构设计使用年限:50 年;
1.3 建筑设计相关参数
1、基本风压:0.35 kN/㎡
5、抗震设防烈度:7 度;


第一章  设计概况    3
1.1 工程概况    3
1.2 建筑结构等级指标及设计年限    3
1.3 建筑设计相关参数    4
1.4 本工程设计过程中所遵循的标准、规范    4
1.5 设计内容    5
1.5.1 建筑设计    5
1.5.2 结构设计    5
第二章  建筑设计    6
2.1平面设计    6
2.2立面设计    6
2.3剖面设计    6
2.4建筑防火设计    6
2.4.1消防车道及防火间距    6
2.4.2防火分区    6
2.4.3安全疏散    6
第三章  结构选型与结构布置    7
3.1 结构选型    7
3.2结构布置    7
3.2.1 平面布置    7
3.2.2 竖向布置    7
3.2.3 楼盖布置    7
3.2.4 基础形式    8
3.3 材料的选用    8
3.4 初估构件截面尺寸    8
3.4.1 竖框架柱截面初估    8
3.4.3 组合楼盖初选    11
3.4.4 梁柱的计算跨(高)度    12
3.5 框架计算单元及计算简图    12
3.5.1 计算单元    12
3.5.2 框架计算简图及梁柱线刚度计算    12
第四章  荷载标准值计算    16
4.1 恒荷载标准值计算    16
4.1.1 屋面荷载    16
4.1.2 教室楼面荷载(包括走廊、楼梯等)    16
4.1.3 卫生间楼面荷载    16
4.1.4 钢梁自重    17
4.1.5 钢柱自重    17
4.1.6 外墙自重    17
4.1.7 内墙自重    17
4.1.8 门窗自重    17
4.2 活荷载标准值计算    17
4.2.1 活荷载标准值    17
4.2.2 风荷载标准值    18
4.2.3 雪荷载标准值    18
第五章  各层重力荷载代表值    18
5.1 首层    18
5.1.1 恒载项计算表    18
5.1.2 活载项计算表    19
5.2 标准层    20
5.2.1 恒载项计算表    20
5.2.2 活载项计算表    20
5.3 屋面层    21
5.2.1 屋面层荷载及雪荷载计算表    21
第六章  荷载计算    22
6.1 竖向恒载作用下框架标准值    22
6.1.1 屋面恒载标准值    22
6.1.2 标准层楼面恒载标准值    23
6.2 竖向活载作用下框架标准值    24
6.2.1 屋面活载标准值    25
6.2.2 标准层楼面活载标准值    25
6.3 风荷载计算    26
6.4 横向水平地震作用计算    28
6.5 水平荷载作用下结构侧移计算    32
6.5.1 风荷载作用下的位移验算    32
6.5.2 地震作用下的位移验算    34
第七章  框架内力计算    36
7.1 恒载作用下的框架内力    36
7.2 活载作用下的框架内力    46
7.3 风荷载作用下的内力计算    52
7.4 横向地震(水平)作用下的内力计算    58
第八章  框架内力组合    62
第九章  构件设计    63
9.1梁柱截面几何特性    64
9.2 基本效应组合下的构件截面验算    64
9.2.1 框架梁截面验算    64
9.2.2框架柱截面验算    67
9.3地震作用组合下的构件截面验算    81
9.3.1框架梁截面验算    81
9.3.2框架柱截面验算    83
9.4强柱弱梁验算    91
第十章  框架节点设计    92
10.1梁柱刚接节点承载力验算    92
10.1.1边柱与梁连接    92
10.1.2中柱与梁的连接    96
10.2梁柱节点域验算    99
10.2.1对柱壁较薄的节点域进行验算的三方面要求    99
10.3主次梁连接节点设计    103
10.4柱脚设计    105
第十一章  楼屋盖设计    108
11.1设计资料    109
11.2施工阶段压型钢板的验算    109
11.2.1荷载    109
11.2.2承载力验算    109
11.2.3变形验算    110
11.3非组合楼板使用阶段验算    110
11.4次梁设计    112
屋盖设计    113
11.5施工阶段压型钢板的验算    113
11.6非组合楼板使用阶段的验算    113
11.6.1荷载计算    113
11.6.2计算简图    114
11.6.3弯矩设计值    114
11.7次梁设计    115
第十二章  楼梯设计    116
12.1设计资料    116
12.2踏步板计算    116
12.2.1踏步板荷载    116
12.2.2内力计算    117
12.2.3截面验算    117
12.3楼梯斜梁计算    117
12.4平台梁设计    119
12.5平台板设计    121
第十三章  基础设计    122
13.1设计资料    122
13.2荷载计算    123
13.3确定基础底面积    124
13.4地基变形验算    125
13.5基础结构设计(混凝土选用C30)    125
13.6基础联系梁设计    127
第十四章  电算结果    130
参考文献    131
致谢    132