摘 要
关键词:隔振垫 精密仪器 高频振动 隔振
A new precision vibration isolation pad development
With the accelerating process of urbanization, environmental vibration of urban construction and transportation caused increasingly significant. Take appropriate isolation measures becomes quite meaningful. The passive vibration isolation pads in the most widely used. Firstly, the definition of isolation pads, the research background, purpose, significance, and the status of development at home and abroad are introduced. On the advantages and disadvantages of the traditional isolation pad applicable. Isolation demand combined with a number of precision instruments based on high-frequency vibration environment of urban rail transportation. Minimizing precision instrument components due to environmental vibrations caused by loss. We propose to develop a new type of precision vibration isolation pad. Then all kinds of precision instruments, isolation requirements needs analysis. Select the appropriate vibration isolating material. Compare screening. Then select the appropriate form structure. Making materials and products to achieve optimal overall vibration isolation performance. Next, choose a good combination of materials and structure. Further modeling. Create an ideal experimental model. Finally. Several different models of vibration test. Numerical Analysis. By drawing out the Fourier spectrum of the image. Compare selected vibration isolation performance of the best isolation pads model. Making the final product and writing product specifications.
Keywords: Isolation pads; Precision Instruments; high frequency vibration; Isolation
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1研究背景 1
1.1.1 环境振动及其危害 1
1.1.2 振动对精密仪器的影响 1
1.1.3 精密仪器的允许振动 2
1.2 国内外研究现状 2
1.2.1 减振与隔振技术研究现状 2
1.2.2 隔振垫研究现状 4
1.2.3 精密仪器隔振的研究现状 6
1.3 研究目的 7
1.4 研究意义 8
1.5 研究设想 9
第二章 需求分析 10
2.1 需要解决的问题 10
2.1.1 主要问题 10
2.2 精密仪器的允许振动范围 11
第三章 隔振材料特性及隔振机理 14
3.1 隔振材料特性 14
3.2 隔振机理 14
3.2.1 弹性材料的隔振机理 15
3.2.2 塑性材料的隔振机理 16
3.2.3 粘性材料的隔振机理 16
3.2.4 粘弹性材料的隔振机理 17
3.3 隔振方法 17
3.3.1主动减振 17
3.3.2被动隔振 18
3.3.3吸振 18
第四章 新型精密仪器隔振垫方案设计 19
4.1 材料的选择 19
4.1.1 传统隔振垫材料及优缺点对比 19
4.1.2 隔振材料的比选及性能介绍 20
4.2 结构形式的选择 23
4.2.1 蜂窝状结构 24
4.2.2 封闭加压结构 25
4.3 模型设计 26
4.4 模型制作 27
第五章 振动试验与性能分析 33
5.1 隔振垫的隔振性能测试 33
5.1.1 振动测试基础 33
5.1.2 试验机理 35
5.1.3 实验材料及仪器 36
5.1.4 实验流程 36
5.2 结果记录,处理与分析 37
5.2.1 结果记录 37
5.2.2 数据处理与分析 42
第六章 实验结论及展望 56
6.1实验结论 56
6.2今后展望 57
结束语 59
参考文献 60
致谢 62