摘 要:随着我国经济的快速发展,工程项目建设进入了繁荣发展的新时期,项目规模和数量在不断地扩大和增多,与此同时施工合同也发生了相应的变化,合同条款增多、内容日趋复杂、规则逐渐与国际接轨。在当前形势下,施工合同面临的风险日益增多,施工合同风险的防范和控制的能力有待加强,对合同风险防范控制的研究势在必行。本文采用案例、图表、对比分析等多种方法,对施工合同的风险进行了研究,并结合案例分析了施工合同从签订到履行的风险,详细阐述了合同谈判签订前、合同谈判签订、合同履行三个阶段风险防范与控制的具体方法。
Precaution and Control of the Risk of Construction Contract
Abstract: With the rapid economic development of China, the construction project has entered a new prospective and developing period, as project scale and quantities continue to expand. In the meantime, the construction contract also has had a corresponding change, such as the augment of the new regulations to the contract; increasingly complexity of the content, bringing regulation in line with the international conventions gradually. Under the current circumstances, as the construction contract is facing more risks, the ability to prevent and control the construction contract risks still needs improving, thus it is of significant importance to have a research on it.. This paper, by applying cases, charts, comparative analysis and other methods to the study of the risk of construction contracts, analyzing the risks may occur from the singing to the implementation of the contract with the concrete cases, describes the specific methods used in risk prevention and controls which are needed before and in the signing of contract negotiations, contracts performance three stages separately in details.
Key words: Construction contract; Risk; Prevention; Control
目 录
摘要 1
关键词 1
1前言 2
1.1课题研究背景及意义 2
1.1.1课题研究背景 2
1.1.2课题研究的意义 2
1.2研究思路和方法 2
2建筑工程施工合同风险概述 3
2.1施工合同风险定义 3
2.2施工合同中风险的分析 3
2.2.1施工合同风险的种类 3
2.2.2施工合同风险的影响因素分析 4
3施工合同风险的成因 4
3.1承包商主动或被动放弃自己的权利 4
3.2缺少科学及有效的风险控制方法 5
3.3缺少专业和高效的谈判班子 6
3.4对程序问题和时效问题不够重视 6
3.5不重视或者不擅长索赔工作 6
4建设工程施工合同风险应对措施 7
4.1施工合同风险防范的措施 7
4.1.1采取有效的策略回避风险 7
4.1.2通过合同谈判完善合同条款 7
4.1.3购买保险及分散与转移风险 7
4.1.4创造条件与充分合理利用风险 8
4.1.5工程合同全过程风险管理 8
4.1.6进行良好的工程索赔管理 9
4.1.7防止业主反索赔的措施 10
4.2施工合同风险控制的措施 11
4.2.1合同谈判签订前的风险控制 11
4.2.2合同谈判签订阶段的风险控制 14
4.2.3合同履行阶段的风险控制 16
5案例--某工业厂房的合同纠纷 16
5.1案例的基本情况 16
5.2案例分析 17
5.3分析结论与建议 18
6结论 20
参考文献 20
致谢 21