The milling machine is widely used in modern road maintenance construction. In this paper, the development trend and the technology gap has been comprehensive analyzed about home and abroad milling machine. combined with practical work, the paper determines the main technical parameters of milling machine, and put forward the design requirements of the main parts of the machine. This paper also analyzes the milling conditions, make a general analysis of the milling machine. This paper describes the classification method of milling machine, milling machine and working principle of the Line description. According to the function of the whole milling machine is divided into 4 hydraulic subsystems, each subsystem is described in detail. The composition, function and working principle of the system. Design the milling machine feeding, walking, turning, auxiliary hydraulic system. Complete the matching and selection of parameters of gear reducer, pump, motor, hydraulic cylinder and other key transmission parts. At the end of this paper, the pressure loss and oil temperature rise are checked. although there are still many shortcomings, but the basic completion of the entire hydraulic system is designed.
Characteristics of this paper is to adopt the load sensitive proportional multiple directional control valves to walk and control systems, as well as deep discharging institutions connected in parallel, the variable pump oil supply, walks the organization adopts closed loop, improve efficiency.
Keywords: crawler; milling machine; hydraulic system; overall design
(1)铣刨切削线速度一般是 ;
(2)铣刨机构转子直径一般取 ;
表2.1 常见铣刨机的刀具的螺旋升角
铣削宽度mm 1000 1500 2000 2100 2200
刀具螺旋升角° 17.8 15.3 15.5 16.9 18.2

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 铣刨机设计的背景及意义 1
1.2 履带式铣刨机液压系统的性能要求 1
1.3 负载敏感(LS)系统 3
第2章 铣刨液压系统设计 4
2.1 铣刨机构的布置 4
2.2 铣刨机构液压系统设计 5
2.3 铣刨液压系统设计与计算和马达的选型 6
第3章 铣刨机控深系统设计 8
3.1 控深系统工作原理 8
3.2 控深机构液压系统设计 8
3.3 控深机构液压系统设计与计算 9
3.3.1 升降装置工况参数 9
3.3.2 升降油缸参数计算及液压元件选型 9
第4章 铣刨机集料系统设计 11
4.1 铣刨机的液压系统设计 11
4.2 集料系统的设计计算和选型 13
第5章 履带式铣刨机的行走液压系统设计 15
5.1 行走、转向、制动液压系统的要求及原理 15
5.2 履带式铣刨机行走系统的设计与选型 17
5.2.1 履带的设计与选型 17
5.2.2 履带行走机构牵引力的计算 18
5.3 行走液压系统的计算与选型 20
第6章 其他液压元件的选择 23
6.1 开式系统液压泵的选择 23
6.2 液压阀的选择 23
6.3 油管的内径计算 25
6.3.1 管路设计原则 25
6.3.2 管路的设计计算 25
6.4油箱的设计和附件的选型 26
6.5 柴油机的选型 27
第7章 液压系统性能验算 28
7.1 液压系统总效率的验算 28
7.2 回路压力损失验算 28
7.3 油液温升验算 28
7.4 经济性分析 29
第8章 小结 30
参考文献 31
致谢 32