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摘  要

The cylinder head of a small diesel engine, as one of the most important and complex component of a diesel engine permanently operates under very harsh environments and bears a very high thermal load as well as mechanical load. Its operating condition affects directly the performance, the operational reliability, the emission and other index of a diesel engine.
This paper describes the design process of the cylinder head and at the same time summarizes the key points of design of the main components, discussing the requirements and features of the design of main parts of a cylinder head. Firstly, through the method of analogy, the external dimension, the valve arrangement, the baseboard thickness, the Height of the valve, the structure layout on the top etc. are determined. Secondly, the Combustion chamber arrangement, the diameter of valve, the diameter of bolt, the size of the cooling channel and some other dimensions are determined on the base of the cylinder diameter. The next step is building a 3D model of the cylinder head, during which process we need to continuously adjust the size, the arrangements of bolts and so on. Among all the above steps, the difficult point is the model buildings of the spiral inlet and tangential exhaust duct. After all these are done, the already-designed parts are assembled as a whole and at last a 3D model of the cylinder head of a diesel engine that meets the requirements of size, strength, the cooling effect and the intake/exhaust effect is yielded.
Keyword: diesel, engine piston, diesel engine piston, design, stress analysis


第一章  绪论    1
1.1柴油机气缸盖的功用及对发动机性能影响    1
1.2气缸盖的工作环境    1
1.3柴油机气缸盖的设计及发展    2
1.4本论文的主要内容    2
第二章  气缸盖简介及设计要求    4
2.1气缸盖总体设计要求    4
2.2气缸盖的火力面    4
2.3进排气道    5
2.4气缸盖螺栓的布置    6
2.5冷却水道的布置    6
2.6本章小结    7
第三章  气缸盖设计    8
3.1气缸盖材料选择    8
3.2气缸盖结构形式的选择    10
3.3火力面的布置    12
3.3.1气门的布置方案    12
3.3.2喉口的布置方案    12
3.3.3气缸盖底板的设计    14
3.4进排气道的布置    14
3.5气缸盖螺栓的布置    19
3.6冷却水道的布置    22
3.7气缸盖的重要剖面图和模型图    23
3.7.1模型图    23
3.8本章总结    25
总  结    26
参考文献    27
致谢    28