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In recent years, the economy has developed rapidly, and the level of technology has also been continuously improving. The focus of people's lives has shifted from being full and warm to living a high-quality and healthy life. Now people's food is very good, but because of the lack of activities in daily work or life, most people's bodies are in a state of Suboptimal health. So, more and more people are pursuing a healthy life, and a healthy life needs to be driven to start. For sports, the best way to exercise at home is the Treadmill.
As the most common type of home fitness equipment nowadays, the treadmill has entered the lives of most people. And the treadmills on the market are now technologically mature and have diverse functions. Due to the large-scale industrial effect, the price of Treadmill is also decreasing. With the continuous improvement of domestic living standards, treadmills will also enter more and more households.
The treadmill is mainly composed of main components such as frame, drum, belt drive, shaft, motor, etc. This article mainly calculates key components. At the same time, corresponding CAD drawings will be issued based on the design of key components.
Key words: Treadmill; Multi functional; design


1 绪论    8
1.1 设计的初衷    8
1.2 跑步机的发展    8
1.3 跑步机的设计分析    10
1.3.1设计流程    10
2 总体方案设计    12
2.1 跑步机的原理    12
2.2 跑步机结构设计    12
2.3设计原则    13
2.4 人机工程设计设计    14
3 跑步机总体构造设计    16
3.1电机选型    16
3.2 传动机构设计    16
3.3 同步带传动计算    18
3.3.1 同步带计算选型    19
3.3.2 同步带的主要参数    21
3.3.3 同步带的设计    22
3.3.4 同步带轮的设计    23
3.4 带传动的张紧装置的选择    23
4 关键零部件的数据计算    25
4.1 轴承的选定    25
4.2轴结构的设计    25
4.2.1轴的分类    25
4.2.2轴结构设计遇到的主要问题    25
4.2.3轴材料的选定    26
4.2.4轴的结构草图    26
4.3轴的强度计算    26
4.4 滚筒要求    29
5 装配结构的方式    30
5.1基础框架的装配    30
5.2支架的设计    30
5.3前后罩的设计    31
5.3.1前罩    31
5.3.2后罩    31
5.4跑板盖的设计    31
6 力的校核    33
6.1 轴的校核    33
6.2 键的校核    33
6.3 轴承的校核    34
7技术经济性分析    36
8结论    37
致谢    38
参考文献    39
附录B 外文文献    51