摘 要
As one of the four systems of vehicle chassis, the brake system is of great importance, and its performance is directly related to the safety of automobile driving. Nowadays, traffic accidents happen frequently in our life. Relevant data prove that 40 % road traffic accidents are related to the failure of braking performance, among which 10 % road traffic accidents are caused by sideslip or offset when emergency braking occurs, which leads to the loss of operation stability of vehicles[1]. With the rapid development of transportation and the increasing density of traffic, the demands for safety and reliability of automobile brake system are becoming higher and higher. The reliable braking system is of great significance to ensure the safety of drivers and passengers, to ensure the road unobstructed and to maintain the society orderly and stable.
Therefore, the main purpose of this paper is to design and calculate the front brake system of Dongfeng Honda CR-V. First of all, the function and design requirements of the braking system needs to be understood. Then the advantages and disadvantages of various style brakes are compared. Finally, according to the collected vehicle parameters, the scheme is calculated, analyzed and verified. It is concluded that the floating caliper disc brake is used in the front wheels of the car. The three-dimensional model and two-dimensional diagram of the front wheel braking system are drawn.
The feature of this article is to comprehensively apply the professional theories and practical knowledge, master the general design rules and correct design ideas, and solve the practical problems of automobile design. It is of great significance for cultivating ability that can analyze the structural performance of automobiles and assemblies, and rationally select the design scheme and parameters. Through the design of the brake system, it is necessary to consider the actual manufacturing process, using performance, economic performance and safety problems. Using CAD, CATIA and other software to draw and optimize also can train and enhance the professional design ability of individuals.
Key Words: ventilated disc brake;brake system designing;modeling;Simulation analysis

目 录
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究的目的及意义 1
1.2制动器在国内外的现状及发展趋势 2
第二章 制动器的结构形式及选择 4
2.1制动系统的基本概念 4
2.2制动系统的要求 4
2.3制动器的结构形式及选择 5
2.3.1制动器的种类 5
2.3.2盘式制动器的结构形式 5
2.3.3盘式制动器的选择 7
第三章 盘式制动器的设计计算 8
3.1东风本田CR-V整车基本参数 8
3.2盘式制动器主要参数的计算 8
3.2.1制动力及其分配系数 8
3.2.2同步附着系数 9
3.2.3制动强度和附着系数利用率 9
3.2.4制动器最大制动力矩 10
3.3盘式制动器制动盘的设计 11
3.3.1制动盘直径 11
3.3.2制动盘厚度 11
3.4盘式制动器制动块设计 12
3.4.1摩擦衬块的外半径、内半径与厚度 12
3.4.2摩擦衬块的有效半径 14
3.4.3摩擦衬块工作面积 14
3.4.4摩擦衬块摩擦系数 15
3.5摩擦衬块的磨损特性计算 16
3.6制动器的热容量和温升核算 17
第四章 液压制动驱动机构的设计计算 19
4.1制动轮缸直径与工作容积 19
4.2制动主缸直径与工作容积 20
4.3制动踏板力与踏板行程 21
第五章 CATIA构建三维图 23
5.1制动器主要零部件绘制 23
5.2制动器装配图绘制 24
5.3制动系统的装配 24
第六章 制动器有限元分析 25
6.1前期准备 25
6.2分析过程 25
6.3分析结果 29
第七章 总结 30
参考文献 31
致 谢 32