摘 要
As an important member of the lifting and transportation machinery, the container crane has been paid attention to by the parties for a long time. Its operation technology, transportation capacity and structure have also been renewed under the research and design of professionals to meet the market demand and achieve the purpose of more efficient and safety.
This design is based on the understanding of port transportation, summarizes the experience of the design of the container crane, and on this basis to join my understanding, the overall design of the container crane and the pylon of the structural design.
This article in strict accordance with the "crane design specifications" on the container crane design verification. Through the use of the center of gravity method, the overall calculation of the container crane. At the same time, the strength, stiffness and stability of the pylon structure are verified by the principle of virtual work and multiplication.
In order to more intuitive and comprehensive understanding of the structure of the various parts of the quarry and their cooperation with each other, while the use of CAD, SolidWorks and other mapping software to draw the total map of the container crane, while the trapezoidal part of the three-dimensional modeling. This is more relevant than the previous calculations. The establishment of the three-dimensional model is also more conducive to the discovery of the design process problems and timely changes.
After a series of calculations, the design of the container crane meets the requirements.
Key Words:container crane;pylon;structural design;Load calculation
前伸距 66.5
后伸距 22.86
大车轨距S 30.48
大车基距B 14.5

目 录
第1章 绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及目的 1
1.2 与课题相关国内外发展现状 1
1.3课题研究内容 2
第2章 起重机重量及重心的计算 3
2.1 固定件重量和作用在整机的重心 4
2.1.1 机器房 4
2.1.2 结构固定部分 7
2.1.3 固定件重量及重心合成 8
2.2 俯仰部分重量和作用在整机的重心 11
2.3 固定载荷及作用在整机的重心 14
2.4 小车自重载荷及起吊系统载荷作用在整机的重心 16
2.4.1 小车自重载荷 16
2.4.2 起吊系统载荷 18
2.5 起重机总重及整机重心 20
2.5.1 操作位 20
2.5.2 锚定位 20
2.5.3 维修位 20
2.5.4 停机位 20
2.6 起升载荷及作用重心 21
2.7 偏心起吊负荷 22
第3章 惯性载荷计算 23
3.1 大车运行起制动时的惯性载荷 23
3.1.1 大梁水平 23
3.1.2 大梁仰起45° 25
3.1.3 大梁仰起80° 25
3.2 小车运行起制动时的惯性载荷 26
3.2.1 惯性载荷平行于大车轨道 26
3.2.2 惯性载荷垂直于大车轨道 27
3.3 地震载荷 28
3.3.1 地震载荷平行于大车轨道 28
3.3.2 地震载荷垂直于大车轨道 30
3.4 起升时的垂直冲击载荷 31
3.5 碰撞载荷 31
3.5.1 大车碰撞载荷 31
3.5.2 小车碰撞载荷 32
3.6 失速载荷 33
第4章 风载荷计算 34
4.1 工作状态下风载荷 34
4.1.1 大梁水平 34
4.1.2 大梁仰起45° 39
4.1.2 大梁仰起80° 42
4.2 非工作状态下风载荷 44
4.2.1 大梁仰起45° 45
4.2.2 大梁仰起80° 47
第5章 载荷组合及腿压计算 51
5.1 工作状态载荷组合及腿压汇总 51
5.1.1 WOP1 51
5.1.2 WOP2 53
5.1.3 WOP3 54
5.1.4 WOP4 55
5.1.5 WOP5 57
5.2 非工作状态载荷组合及腿压汇总 58
5.2.1 WSM1 58
5.2.2 WSM2 59
第6章 稳定性校验 61
6.1 工作状态稳定性校验 61
6.1.1 ST1O 61
6.1.2 ST2O 63
6.1.3 ST3O 65
6.1.4 ST4O 66
6.2 非工作状态稳定性校验 68
6.2.1 ST1S 68
6.2.2 ST2S 69
6.2.3 ST3S 69
第7章 梯形架结构计算 71
7.1 力学模型简化 71
7.2 强度校核 72
7.2.1 弯矩计算及弯矩图绘制 72
7.2.2 截面特性计算 73
7.2.3 强度验算 75
7.3 刚度校核 77
7.3.1 小车在后大梁 77
7.3.2 小车在前大梁 78
7.4 稳定性校核 79
第8章 梯形架SolidWorks三维建模 80
第9章 环境影响和经济性分析 84
9.1 环境影响 84
9.2 经济性分析 84
第10章 总结与展望 86
10.1 总结 86
10.2 展望 86
参考文献 87
致谢 88