The shock absorber is an integral part of the vehicle suspension, which can quickly reduce the vibration of the vehicle and improve the ride comfort and comfort of the vehicle. Conventional shock absorber is through the vibration into heat energy to quickly reduce the way, in this paper access to a large number of domestic and international energy recovery shock absorber design and analysis of information, compared to a variety of existing conventional shock absorbers, It is a new type of shock absorber which can not only complete the conventional vibration damping function but also recover the energy that is scattered. In this paper, through the analysis of various energy recovery type shock absorber, the liquid electric energy feedback damper is selected, and the scheme of the liquid feedforward damper is designed, and the parameters of each component in the scheme Calculation and selection, in the initial completion of the design of liquid electric energy booster, the existence of some of its problems to find out the reasons for the analysis, and proposed improvements, while the future development of the shock absorber reasonable reasoning and looking ahead.
Key Words:Energy recovery type shock absorber;Liquid feedforwardshock absorber;Design,and analysis;Improvement

第1章绪论 1
1.1目的及意义 1
1.2国内外研究现状分析 1
1.3研究(设计)的基本内容、目标、拟采用的技术方案及措施 3
1.3.1基本内容 3
1.3.2目标 3
1.3.3技术方案及措施 3
第2章馈能式减振器现有方案对比分析 4
2.1静液蓄能式能量回收型减振器 4
2.2 电磁线圈感应式能量回收型减振器 4
2.3齿轮齿条式能量回收型减振器 5
2.4 滚珠丝杆式能量回收型减振器 6
2.5曲柄连杆式能量回收型 7
2.6直线电机式能量回收型减振器 8
2.7对以上几种方案的评价 8
第3章液电馈能式减振器的方案设计与参数选型 10
3.1方案设计 10
3.2参数选型 11
3.2.1液压缸 11
3.2.2液压马达 13
3.2.3蓄能器 14
3.2.4管路和单向阀 15
3.2.5发电机的选型 16
3.3小结 16
第4章液电馈能式减振器存在的问题分析与改进 17
4.1存在的问题 17
4.2改进的措施 18
第5章全文总结与展望 21
5.1全文总结 21
5.2展望 21
参考文献 22
致谢 23