摘 要
Since the 21st century, under the impetus of national macro-control policies and measures, China's economy has developed at a high speed, and the steel-making industry has also achieved sustained and rapid development. At the same time, the problem of overcapacity in steel has gradually emerged. All along, with the rapid development of production, China's steelmaking industry is constantly undergoing technological transformation, which basically realizes the sustainable, green and compact steelmaking process and the high efficiency, large-scale and automation of production equipment.
The mud gun is an indispensable important metallurgical equipment in the blast furnace iron making process, and it is also a very important equipment in the steel industry.
According to the technical requirements of China's steel production, based on the given technical performance parameters, the overall structure and key components of the mud gun are designed. On this basis, according to the composition of each part, a two-dimensional map of the general assembly of the mud cannon is drawn, and the assembly relationship of the control link components and the parts drawing of some parts are emphasized.
The characteristics of this paper: the four-bar linkage mechanism is used to control the movement of the mud-soiling mechanism to enhance the smoothness and accuracy of the rotary motion.
Key Words:Hydraulic;Mud gun;connecting rod;slewing mechanism

第1章 绪论 5
1.1 研究目的及意义 5
1.2 国内外研究现状 5
1.3 液压泥炮的组成 6
1.3.1机械部分 6
1.3.2液压部分 7
1.4 研究内容 7
第2章总体结构设计 8
2.1连杆机构 8
2.2回转机构 9
2.3打泥机构 9
图2.1 打泥机构 9
2.4液压系统 9
第3章 机构设计计算 10
3.1打泥机构的计算 10
2.1.1泥缸直径和打泥油缸直径确定 10
2.1.2泥缸壁厚和外径确定 11
3.2斜底座的设计 12
3.3回转机构的设计计算 13
1.炮身 2.转臂 3.拉杆 4.V型杆 5.油缸活塞杆 6.辅助连杆 14
图 回转机构简图 14
3.3.1 连杆受力分析 14
3.3.2 转炮油缸活塞杆受力分析 15
第4章 部分零部件校核 19
4.1 泥缸筒强度校核 19
D -缸筒内径,m; 19
4.2 打泥机构活塞杆的校核 20
D ——缸筒直径,m 20
第5章 液压系统设计 21
5.1 液压系统原理 21
5.2 液压泵的选取 21
4.2电机的选取 22
P1、p2——一次循环运动中两个阶段分别所需的功率; 22
t1、t2——一次循环运动中两个阶段分别所需的时间; 22
Q1、Q2——两个油缸的零流量; 22
第5章 总结与展望 23
参考文献(黑体小二号) 25
致 谢 27