摘 要
关键字:AGV ; 磁导引; 差速 ; PLC ; 传感器
AGV, as a kind of mobile robots, plays a more and more significant role in warehouse logistics and manufacturing assembly line matching the need of market diversification. Due to the superiority of automation, efficiency and interaction of AGV, people research and develop it further. AGV is a comprehensive product which involves the specialized knowledge in Mechanical Engineering. It is a requirement for us to master its academic knowledge in school days. The contents of work are as follow.
1.This essay gives a introduction in the developing situation at home and abroad and the developing quotation in current domestic stage of AGV. With analyzing the fundamental technology and principles. I know about a lot for it
2. Combining the design task, begin to design the whole structure. By comparing several plans, I choose the magnetic guidance as its drive mode and differential gear to drive it.
3.According to the load condition, I design the frame, analyze the structure and choose the reasonable material and size of it. Then I design the driving unit on the basis of driving resistance of the motor selection. Then, I assemble them.
4.Next, I choose a PLC, which control and coordinate the relationship between the controller and each unit and design the control system of the motor drive. The essay also includes the introduction and the analysis of some common sensors.and other devices.
Key Words: AGV; Magnetic guidance; Differential; PLC; Sensor

1.绪论 1
1.1研究目的及意义 1
1.2AGV的发展历程 1
1.3我国AGV的发展状况 2
1.4本次研究的主要内容 4
2. AGV整体方案设计 5
2.1AGV综述 5
2.1.1AGV定义及特点 5
2.1.3 AGV的导引方式 7
2.2 整体方案设计 9
3. AGV机械结构设计 11
3.1 车架设计 11
3.2 驱动单元结构设计 13
3.2.1 计算行驶阻力 14
3.2.2电机选型及基本布局 15
3.2.3 缓冲装置及AGV整体 18
4.AGV小车的控制系统设计 22
4.1 控制系统总体设计 22
4.2 电机驱动的控制设计 23
4.2.1 磁导航传感器 23
4.2.2 电机控制 24
4.3 其他传感器及装置的介绍 27
5.总结与展望 29
参考文献 30
致谢 31