关键词:电动客车 底盘 驱动电机
Being more and more serious along with the energy problems and the environmentproblems, the motive method of the existing vehicle used can't satisfy the demand of thesocial development in the future .For this, the development of EV gotten an extensive concern,various types of EV is also being in the research and the development.
The purpose of this research is to accumulated electric bus techniques.This researchmainly carried on a total design to the electric passenger car, the works are as follow:Ianalyzed the merit and shortcoming of some electric motors, and choosed the permanencemagnet DC motor to be the motive source;analyzed the motive of the electric passenger car,examine the performance of the electric motor;introduced the function characteristics of somestorage batteries, and choosed the Lead-acid storage battery to be the energy source;study thecontrol strategy of the electric motor, put forward total structure of the storagebattery management system and each parts of functions, and carried on a design and researchto each part; designed the structureand the control of the regenerative braking system; discussed electric motor and transmissionto equip of constitute and the decoration project, designed the decoration position of thestorage battery set and install structure, in the meantime first step to design a refit project ofthe the brake system, to carryon.
The study on the chassis layout is analyzed, and the chassis is the development of electric vehicles is an important part. Therefore, this study is very meaningful project.
Key Words:Electric VehicleDrive Motor Chassis

摘要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1课题研究目的与意义 1
1.2纯电动汽车底盘的概述 1
1.2.1底盘的组成和分类 1
1.2.2纯电动汽车的优缺点 2
1.3纯电动汽车底盘研究概况 2
1.3.1国内研究概况 2
1.4本文主要研究内容和思路 3
1.4.1研究内容 3
1.5本章小结 4
第二章 电动汽车底盘设计布局的理论基础 5
2.1 能源供给系统 5
2.1.1 能源供给系统的概述 5
2.1.2 能源供给系统与传统汽车能源供给的比较 5
2.2 电动汽车对电机性能的要求 5
2.3 本研究用电机 6
2.4 电动机性能计算 6
2.4.1 电动汽车的动力性 6
2.4.2电动机校核 7
2.5电动机驱动控制策略 10
2.5.1电动汽车的电机驱动控制策略分析 10
2.5.2 电机电流控制研究 10
2.6 本章小结 12
第三章 电动客车的总体设计 14
3.1底盘布局设计注意事项 14
3.2 电机与传动系统结构布置设计 14
3.3 蓄电池组的布置及安装设计 16
3.3.1 蓄电池组布置的要求 16
3.3.2 蓄电池组布置设计 18
3.4 制动系统的设计 21
3.5 本章小结 22
第四章 纯电动客车的三维结构建模和分析 23
4.1 纯电动客车的三维结构建模的参数准备 23
4.2 纯电动客车的三维结构的建模和车架的分析 23
4.2.1 车架的建模步骤 23
4.2.2 底盘各零部件 24
4.2.3 部件间的连接 26
4.3底盘总装配图 26
4.4车架的有限元分析 27
4.4.1单元类型的选择 27
4.4.2模型文件导入及划分网格 28
4.5 车架弯曲工况分析 28
4.5.1 满载工况分析 29
4.5.2前侧偏载工况分析 30
4.5.3 单侧偏载工况分析 31
4.6 本章小结 33
第五章 总结与展望 34
5.1 全文总结 34
5.2 展望 35
致谢 37
参考文献 36