摘 要
关键词:悬架 力矩 总成 安全
Suspension is an important modern automobile assembly of, it is the frame and axle elastic connected. Its main task is transmit the role of the wheel and the frame (or the bearing body) between the force and torque, and easing the rough road surface to frame (or the bearing body) of the impact load, caused by impact load of bearing system of vibration attenuation, to ensure that the vehicle's normal running. This text is to carry on the design of the main and auxiliary spring of the truck rear suspension and check the design result to ensure that the design meets the requirements of the safety of the car. The topic of this graduation design is a truck rear air suspension assembly design, through the design of a truck rear air suspension assembly, to understand its structure and working principle, and the optimization, makes the design of truck rear air suspension assembly structure more reasonable and more secure.
Key words: suspension torque assembly safety

目 录
1 绪论 1
1.1课题的来源与研究的目的和意义 1
1.2悬架系统的组成 4
1.3我国空气悬架的市场前景 6
1.4主要研究内容 2
2 空气悬架结构 7
2.1空气悬架结构简介 9
2.2空气悬架的优缺点 9
3 载货汽车后空气悬架总体结构的设计 11
3.1横向稳定杆的设计计算 12
3.2横向稳定杆的强度校核 12
3.3螺栓的选型计算 13
3.4弹性元件的设计 14
3.5空气弹簧力学性能 16
3.6高度控制阀 18
4悬架系统设计 19
4.1悬架设计要求 20
4.2悬架的主要特性 22
4.4悬架的垂直弹性特性 23
4.5减振器的特性 24
结 论 25
参考文献 26
致 谢 27