Design of hydraulic control system for four wheel positioning and lifting machine for automobile
For a lot of special places, like the risk is very big, or we are difficult to reach, such as disarm bombs, unknown corresponding domains such as detection, probing deep of more dangerous situation usually need to implement the robot.It’s a main part of robot for micro pedipulator, walking robots and more than six feet, compared to the Eight Legged Robot, because of strong bearing capacity, good stability, which the meritss is simple construction, So, a large number of researchers around the world, start .an important positionin national economy mould technology has also become to measure a national product manufacture level of important symbol.Injection molding plastic molding isan important method .it is mainly suitable for thermoplastic molding .and canbea complicated shape of precision plastic forming parts is the adsl surface hella a design model .
Its principle is diagonal synchronization, leg activity by the structure of the crank rocker, front leg movements around the same, it detailed performance curve characteristics of the connecting rod,when the curve trajectory diagonal straight line segment, the robot is stationary, the motion trajectory when the diagonal curve is slanting line do the walking.
Keywords:Manufacturing ,Location, Clamping, Process

目 录
摘要 I
Abstract II
1引言 1
1.1本课题研究的内容 1
1.2定位举升机的分类 4
1.3液压技术在举升机方面的发展 6
2汽车用四轮定位举升机总体结构的设计 7
2.1汽车用四轮定位举升机的总体方案图 9
2.2汽车用四轮定位举升机的工作原理 10
3四连杆机构的辅助设计 10
3.1四连杆机构图 11
3.2四连杆机构运动学分析 12
3.3受力分析 12
3.4液压系统的数学模型 14
3.5分析高度,工作载荷,流量与时间的关系 16
4液压系统的设计 18
4.1确定系统方案 19
4.2拟定液压系统图 21
5液压缸的设计计算 22
5.1液压缸的类型及结构形式 23
5.2液压缸的工作压力 24
5.3计算液压缸的尺寸 26
5.4液压缸各工作阶段的压力、流量和功率计算 27
5.5液压缸工况图 28
5.6液压缸推力的计算 30
5.7液压系统的压力损失计算 31
5.8缸筒的设计与计算 32
5.9缸筒壁厚的验算 33
结论 34
致谢 35
参考文献 36