摘 要
This study included the modified structure design of the eccentric sprocket, the finite element analysis and solid modeler. Besides, designed tester and tested sealing quality.
In the entire machine design, established working cycle and conformed work in relations of main fixtures(feeding ,forming, retractor, sealing, driving)through analysis of eccentric sprocket overall plan; completed the modified structure design of the forming filling sealing eccentric sprocket and conformed the main parameters. In this paper, designed the horizontal sealing fixtures and advanced new forming fixture which can adjust the packaging length and extended the useable range of the eccentric sprocket and studied. At the same time, offered a method of parallel measure feeding and founded vibration feeding fixtures of oscillatory differential equation. This study can direct the design and exploitation of other bag eccentric sprocket actively.
Using the tester carries on the package sealing test, the tensile test and the endure stress test that the tests were based on the national standards, experimented data and the results indicate sealing intensity conforms to the national standard. Through data analysis obtained the permits packing sealing temperature range and the relations of the sealing intensity of the horizontal fixtures and the vertical sealing fixtures ,time and temperature and the best packing material sealing condition.
Key words: eccentric sprocket;horizontal sealing;packing machine

摘 要 III
Abstract IV
目录 V
1 绪论 1
1.1 本课题的研究内容和意义 1
1.2 国内外的发展概况 1
1.3 本课题应达到的要求 1
2 总体方案设计 3
2.1 偏心链轮机构的组成 3
2.2 偏心链轮运动规律的分析 5
2.2.1 偏心链轮机构工作原理 5
2.3 偏心链轮各基本参数的确定 9
2.3.1 主动链轮的偏心距的计算 9
2.3.2 链轮的节圆半径 11
2.3.3 主从动链轮传动轴的中心距 12
2.4 轴承的选择 12
2.4.1 轴的设计校核 12
2.4.2 轴承的润滑及密封 15
3 热封装置设计 18
3.1 热封材料及封口方法 18
3.2 纵封滚轮的设计及计算 18
3.3 横封装置设计 19
3.4 封合调整 22
4 包装机的设计 24
4.1 包装机工作原理及功能 24
4.1.1 功能要求 24
4.1.2 主要构成及工作原理 24
4.1.3 执行机构的动作配合 25
5 链轮的设计 26
5.1 链轮设计与机械加工 26
5.1.1 常见链轮的形状与结构 26
5.1.2 链轮材料的选择 26
5.1.3 链轮的基本参数 26
5.1.4 链轮齿形的几何形状与设计原则 26
5.1.5 链轮设计与加工 27
5.1.6 刀具设计 28
6 结论与展望 30
致 谢 31
参考文献 32