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摘  要
设计成型零部件时,应根据塑料的特性、塑件的结构和使用要求,确定型腔的总体布局,选择分型面,确定脱模方式,设计浇注系统、排溢系统等,然后根据加工工艺和装配工艺的要求进行成型零部件的结构设计,计算成型零部件的工作尺寸校核。最后使用MPI软件可以全面模拟注塑成型过程,并以图形的方式直观地显示分析结果。 〖资料来源:HTTP://WWW.56doc.com 咨询QQ:281788421〗



This thesis is to plastic fruit basket as a design model, the university learned theory knowledge, extracurricular resources and related professional knowledge site as the theoretical basis of the design of injection mould of plastic injection mold design process.
Through the correct analysis of plastic fruit basket molding process, designed a pair of one module and one cavity plastic mold. Mold in geometry and size of the plastic parts called molding parts, including former templates, template, back mould kernel, etc before mold, after the design and machining process. Molding parts in direct contact with the plastic at work, at a certain temperature melt under high temperature and high pressure, so there must be a reasonable structure, high strength and stiffness, good abrasion resistance and correct geometry, high dimensional accuracy and low surface roughness. Important parts of the process parameters selection and calculation, and the extrusion outfit, inject system and other structures of the design process.

〖资料来源:http://www.56DOC.COM 咨询QQ:306826066〗

Design of molding parts, should according to the characteristics of plastic and plastic parts structure and use of the requirements, determine the overall distribution of cavity, choose the parting surface, parting ways, for sure, design of gating system and overflow system, etc., and then according to the requirement of the machining process and assembly process for molding parts structure design, dimension checking calculation of molding parts work. Finally using the MPI software can be fully simulated injection molding process, and intuitively display the results of the analysis in the form of graphics.

Key words: fruit basket; process analysis; injection mold;MPI;

〖资料来源:http://www.56DOC.com 咨询QQ:306826066〗


目  录
摘  要    III
Abstract    IV
目  录    VI
1 绪论    1
1.1 设计目的与意义    1
1.2 塑料制品的发展前景    1
1.3 我国模具的发展现状    1
1.4 采用注射模成形产品的优点    2
1.5本次设计需达到的要求:    2
2 总体方案的确定    3
2.1 塑件的选择    3
2.2 尺寸精度    3

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2.3 尺寸计算    3
2.4 塑件的材料性能    3
2.5 注塑机的确定    4
2.6 塑件分型面的选择    4
2.7 型腔数目    6
3 理论分析及设计计算    7
3.1 浇注系统的设计    7
3.2 脱模机构的设计    8
3.3 复位机构的设计    11
3.4 排气系统    12
3.5 导向机构的设计    12
3.6 定位圈的设计    13
3.7 成形零件的结构设计    13
3.8 成型零件工作尺寸的计算    14
3.9 冷却系统的设计    16
3.10 模具总装图和爆炸图    17
4 塑料注射机的校核    20
4.1 最大注射量的校核    20
4.2 最大注射压力校核    20
4.3 锁模力的校核    21
4.4 模具厚度H与注射机闭合高度的校核    21
4.5 开模行程校核    21

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5 制造工艺分析    23
5.1 最佳浇口地位置    23
5.2 MPI的FLOW仿真分析    23
5.2.1 填充时间    23
5.2.2 最大压力    23
5.2.3 平均速度    24
5.2.4 熔料的最高温度    24
5.2.5 体积收缩率    24
5.3 MPI的COOL仿真分析    24
5.3.1 冷却管道的液流量    24
5.3.2冷却管道的最高温度    25
5.3.3 模腔平均温度和冷却时间    25
5.4 翘曲(Warp)分析结果    25
6 结论与展望    26
致  谢    27
参考文献    28 〖资料来源:毕业设计论文网 www.56doc.com〗