摘 要
本次设计任务是液压升降台,它是一种升降稳定性好,适用范围广的货物举升设备。其起升高度800mm,举升重量3T,幅面尺寸2600×1400 mm.其动作主要是由两个双作用液压缸推动“X”型架,带动上板移动来实现的。该液压升降台主要由两部分组成:液压部分和机械部分。设计液压部分时,先确定了液压系统方案。选择液压基本控制回路时,换向回路选择三位四通电磁换向阀;平衡回路选择用液控单向阀。确定各种基本回路后,又确定了液压系统传动形式,拟定液压系统原理图,然后对液压元辅件进行了设计、选择,并对其进行校核。经过计算后液压缸直径选定为70毫米,液压泵选叶片泵。根据系统工作的最大功率选Y90S-4三相异步电动机。在确定泵后,又对其他的元辅件进行了合理的选择,最后确定阀块的设计及效率计算。机械部分主要由上板架、下板架、内连杆和外连杆四部分组成。通过设计、选择机械部分材料与结构,并对其进行受力分析与强度校核,结果证明机械部分结构设计可以满足要求,进一步完成了本次设计题目。
hydraulic lift platform
Abstract:The task of this design is hydraulic lift platform, it is an carpo lifting equipment with good stablity of taking off and landing. Its lifting height is 800mm, weight lifting is three tons, and frame size is 2600 × 1400 mm. Its action is mainly composed of two pairs of hydraulic cylinders to promote the "X" aircraft, leding to realize the mobile plate.The hydraulic lifting platform is mainly composed of two parts : hydraulic parts and mechanical parts. In the design of the hydraulic parts, I first made sure the hydraulic system. In the process of selecting the basic of hydraulic control loop , the direction loop I chosen to use three position four-way electromagnetic valve,and the balance loop I chosen to use pilot-controlled check value. After the identification of the basic loop, I also made sure the form of hydraulic transmission system, the development of the hydraulic system schematic diagram, and then I designed,selected the hydraulic components and accessories, and checked them. After calculating I selected two 70 mm hydraulic cylinder, I selected the vane pump as the hydraulic pump. According to the maximum power of this system I chosen Y90S-4 three-phase asynchronous motor. After determining the pump, I also chosen the other components and accessories reasonly and finaly I designed the valve block and calculated the efficiency. The mechanical parts is mainly composed of inside and outside link and On board aircraft, the next board aircraft. Through the design, choice of materials and the structure and after the stress analysis and strength of their check, the results proved that the mechanical parts can satisfy the design requirements,which further completed the design of the subject.
Key words: Hydraulic; take-off and landing platform;Inside and outside link
设计一台液压升降台 主要技术参数如下:
幅面 2600×1400 mm
起升最大重量 3T
起升最大高度 800mm
这次毕业设计的液压升降平台要求为:1、起升最大高度为800mm;2、 台面原始高度为623mm;3、起升最大重量为3吨。所设计系统必须能完成举升动作,并达到以上要求,考虑系统效率以及经济上的一些问题。

1 总 论 1
2 确定液压系统方案 3
2.1确定液压基本回路 3
2.1.1换向回路 3
2.1.2平衡回路的确定 5
2.2 液压传动系统的形式确定 7
2.3 液压系统原理图 7
3 计算和选择液压元件、辅件 9
3.1液压缸的计算 9
3.1.1 初选执行元件的工作压力 9
3.2 液压辅助元件的计算及选择 10
3.2.1管道的设计 10
3.2.2管接头的类型 10
3.3油箱的设计 10
3.3.1油箱的设计要点 11
3.3.2油箱容积计算 11
3.4 其它元、辅件的选择 11
3.4.1.吸油滤油器 11
3.4.2选择滤油器的基本要求 12
3.4.3溢流阀的选择 12
3.4.4压力表开关选择 12
3.4.5单向节流阀 13
3.4.6 液控单向阀的选择 13
3.5阀块的设计 13
3.6 效率的计算 14
3.6.1计算沿程压力损失 14
3.6.2效率计算 16
3.6.3系统发热与温升计算 16
4 机械部分的受力分析 17
5 机械部分的强度校核 20
5.1 内连杆强度校核 20
5.2 外连杆强度较核 20
5.3 连接两连杆的销轴的强度校核 22
6 总 结 24
参考文献 25
致 谢 26