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摘 要
The research background of the project and the research and development trends of photovoltaic industry at home and abroad are described. The basic knowledge of solar cells and batteries is described. The paper reviews solar photovoltaic power generation and control technology and the operation of the controller at the maximum power point.
The classification of lead-acid batteries and the principle of charge-discharge operation of lead-acid batteries are introduced.
The composition, basic functions, technical requirements, and charging technologies of the solar photovoltaic charge controller are introduced in detail, including conventional charging methods such as constant current charging, constant voltage charging, two-level and three-level charging, and rapid charging technology and a new generation of intelligent charging technology.
The principle of MPPT maximum power tracking is discussed in detail, and the advantages and disadvantages of fixed voltage method, disturbance observation method and incremental conductance method are analyzed. The corresponding program is designed based on the business logic of the disturbance observation method. To test the working mechanism of the solar controller under load changes and changes in light intensity; and to study the controller's influence on solar energy utilization.
Key words: lead-acid battery; Charge and discharge protection; Mppt; Disturbance observation method; Solar energy controller


摘 要    2
1 绪论    1
1.1课题的提出与意义    1
1.2光伏产业发展及应用现状    1
1.3本文主要研究内容    2
2光伏照明系统基础知识    5
2.1太阳能光伏电池    5
2.1.1太阳能光伏电池工作原理    5
2.1.2硅型光伏电池的电特性    6
2.2铅酸蓄电池    8
2.2.1 蓄电池的分类    8
2.2.2 蓄电池的工作原理    8
2.2.3密封式铅酸蓄电池    9
3光伏充电控制器系统    10
3.1.1光伏充电控制器的主要功能    10
3.1.2光伏充电控制器的主要参数和指标    11
3.2.2铅酸蓄电池的快速充电技术    13
4最大功率点跟踪技术    16
4. 1光伏系统最大功率点跟踪的原理    16
4. 2常规的最大功率点跟踪算法    17
4. 2. 1 恒压最大功率点跟踪控制    17
4. 2. 2 带扰动的最大功率点跟踪控制及观测方法    19
4. 2. 3 变步长最大功率点跟踪控制的扰动观察法    19
4. 2 .4 增量电导最大功率点跟踪控制    20
4. 3 最大功率点跟踪算法设计与结论  22
5结论与展望 25