Now,in sensing fields,fiber Bragg grating sensing technology has become one of the mainstream development directions,the sensors made by its principle of sensing have many advantages, e.g. anti-corrosion, immunity to electromagnetic, high sensitivity, long life, wavelength multiplexing capability for sensor networking. They are widely employed in numerous areas, such as aerospace systems, ocean survey, seismology, civil structures, oil and electricity, medical instrument, and chemical and biological industry. Although FBG has widely applied, its frequency responsecan’t meet the applied requirementsof related areas all the time.Frequency response is fiber grating sensing system character, which is influenced by the intrinsic parameters of system.
This paper is aimed at the demands of actual projects and troubles exist in theoretical research. It is based on strain transfer theory, the object of study is surface mount FBG, calculating general solution of the transfer function of FBG-colloid system.Then we use MATLAB to simulate the influence to dynamic characteristic of FBG by Young's modulus, density, length, width, thickness, calculating adhesive layer’s optimization parameters of FBG. At the same time, we establish the simulation model of fiber grating and colloid in ANSYS. For fiber grating, we simulate the natural frequency of fiber grating in the situation of different adhesive force and preload; for colloid, we use modal analysis to analyze the modal parameters in the difference of Young's modulus and density. Finally, we set up experiment platform, using 353ND and EP1640 to research sensing system of fiber grating and resistance strain gage. Entering single frequency and sweep frequency from 10-2000Hz to analyze the frequency response of fiber grating and resistance strain gage in differentof colloid sticking. Experimental result shows thatamplitude response of fiber grating that is pasted by 353ND is higher than the fiber grating pasted by EP1640 in low-frequency section.However, in high-frequency section, the amplitude response of fiber grating that is pasted by EP1640 is higher than the fiber grating pasted by 353ND. The reason is that the Elastic Modulus and density of EP1640 are higher than 353ND’s. The fiber gratings pasted in the bottom of the pole are near to exciting vibration source, so the amplitude response of fiber grating is higher than the top. Resistance strain gage has good response in low-frequency section, but in high-frequency section, it has no response. These are similar to the theoretical analysis. It proved the rightness and feasibility of theoretical calculation and simulation.
This paper has feasiblestudied the fiber grating–colloid system of surface mount FBG from theory, simulation and experiment. Research results can provide a reference for the application of surface mount FBG,it has broad application future prospects.
Key words:surface mount FBG; adhesive layer; frequency response; fiber grating–colloid system;simulation analysis

第1章绪论 1
1.1 研究背景及意义 1
1.2 光纤光栅频率特性的研究发展 2
1.2.1 光纤光栅的发展概况 2
1.2.2 光纤光栅频率特性的研究现状 3
1.3 本文的主要研究内容 4
1.3.1 研究内容 4
1.3.2 研究方法 4
第2章粘贴式FBG响应理论分析计算 6
2.1 粘贴式FBG响应传递模型 6
2.2 粘贴式FBG响应传递规律 7
2.3 MATLAB系统仿真分析 12
2.4 本章小结 15
第3章 FBG传感设计仿真分析 17
3.1 粘接层有限元数值分析 17
3.2 裸光纤光栅有限元数值分析 21
3.3 影响因素分析 24
3.3.1 胶体模态参数影响因素分析 24
3.3.2 裸光纤光栅模态参数影响因素分析 26
3.4 本章小结 27
第4章 FBG动态特性实验研究 28
4.1 实验平台的搭建 28
4.2 实验原理 32
4.3 实验过程记录 33
4.4 数据采集及分析 33
4.4.1 光纤布拉格光栅数据采集 33
4.4.2 电阻应变片数据采集 40
4.4.3 光纤布拉格光栅数据分析 45
4.4.4 光纤布拉格光栅与应变片比较分析 45
4.5 本章小结 46
第5章结论 47
5.1 本文的主要结论 47
5.2 创新点 48
5.3 展望 48
参考文献 49
附录A 光纤光栅-胶体系统幅频特性仿真程序 51
附录B 自定义plotfft函数程序 53
附录C 光纤光栅实验数据(单频输入)处理程序 54
附录D 光纤光栅实验数据(扫频输入)RMS处理程序 56
附录E 应变片实验数据(单频输入)处理程序 58
附录F 应变片实验数据(扫频输入)RMS处理程序 59
致谢 60