关键词:单片机; 温度传感器;水温控制; 水位控制
Solar water and level control system
The design is base on STC89C52, combined with digital temperature sensor DS18B20, LCD1602, A/D converter, and key circuit to designed an intelligent, concise, high-performance and very practical solar water heater temperature control system .The system is composed STC89C52 chip module, DS18B20 temperature measurement and control module, the water level detection and control module, TLC549A/D converter module, LCD1602module, keyboard input module, buzzer alarm modules and other components. The above is given below of each module and the operating principle of the internal structure, functions of each module, each module hardware and software flow, combined with the following theoretical principles, for the real production. The system from the fundamental solution to the solar water heater in case of exposure to water, the water temperature is too low or too high and the water level in the tank bad display problems ,in daily life ,the design reached a labor-saving, environmental protection, conservation, and practical purposes. The system with the traditional mechanical control system, compared with a simple structure, it is very easy to use, it also has practical features.
Keyword: STC89C52; DS18B20; Water temperature control; Level control
太阳能水温水位控制系统 2
摘要 2
目录 1
第一章 系统设计 1
1.1绪论 1
1.2系统的设计要求 2
1.3系统设计方案与比较 2
第二章 系统硬件电路设计 4
2.1 主控芯片STC89C52单片机 4
2.2复位电路和振荡电路 5
2.3温度检测模块 6
2.3.1传感器选择 6
2.3.2DS18B20引脚介绍 7
2.3.3DS18B20内部结构 8
2.3.4DS18B20测温原理 8
2.4LCD液晶显示模块 9
2.4.1LCD1602简介 9
2.4.2LCD1602显示电路 10
2.5水位检测模块 11
2.5.1水位检测系统原理 11
2.5.2传感器选择 11
2.5.3TLC549芯片简介 13
2.6键盘控制模块 14
2.6.1按键实物图 14
2.6.2按键与单片机连接图 14
2.7报警模块 15
第三章 系统软件设计 16
3.1系统总流程图 16
3.2水位采集程序设计 17
3.3温度设置子模块 17
3.4温度采集程序的设计 18
3.5温度显示子模块 19
第四章 系统硬件调试 20
4.1实物简化 20
4.2水温和水位显示测试 20
结论 21
附录1系统硬件总框图 24
附录2 实物图 24
附录3程序源码 25