摘 要
关键词:指纹识别 单片机 匹配算法 密码锁
The design of fingerprint password lock
With the development of biometric technology, security systems designed for people with an alternative idea, the biological and physiological characteristics matching algorithm combined with fingerprint recognition technology as the core of the lock came into being.
This paper introduces the fingerprint lock development background, the significance and fingerprint recognition technology works, and determined in accordance with instructions fingerprint recognition module fingerprint lock system design, microcontroller as a platform for overall system design and complete system software ,hardware design. This paper is focused on the fingerprint recognition module, design and implement the module, keyboard module, alarm module and several other major functional modules LCD. Finally, this paper gives the system debugging results.
Keywords:Fingerprint identification; Microcontroller; Matching algorithm; Combination lock
摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1背景和意义 1
1.2指纹识别技术的原理及优点 2
1.3论文结构安排 3
第二章 系统总体设计 4
2.1系统设计总体要求 4
2.2硬件框图设计 4
2.3软件组成 6
第三章 硬件电路设计 7
3.1指纹识别模块设计 7
3.1.1 指纹模块引脚接法 8
3.1.2指纹模块命令 9
3.2液晶显示模块设计 12
3.3键盘模块设计 13
3.4报警模块设计 14
第四章 系统软件设计 16
4.1软件设计的思路 16
4.2各子程序设计 18
4.2.1指纹识别模块程序设计与实现 18
4.2.2显示模块的程序设计与实现 19
4.2.3键盘模块程序设计与实现 20
第五章 系统安装与调试 22
5.1系统安装 22
5.1.1电路的焊接 22
5.1.2系统的安装 22
5.2系统调试 23
5.2.1指纹录入模式 23
5.2.2识别模式 24
第六章 总结 27
参考文献 28
附录:程序 30
致谢 57