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论文主要研究的是基于视频的人脸表情图像获取及表情识别系统的实现,并于MATLAB R2012a平台界面上进行系统仿真,验证系统实现表情识别的有效性和实用性。
To remedy the problem in the distance education emotional interaction, this study proposed based on system of facial expression recognition in video capture of identifying the learners' expression to determine the learner's learning state and give the corresponding study suggest. In this paper, by using a commercial mathematical software MATLAB on a short video of facial expression recognition simulation, and for facial expression recognition of several mainstream method was to explore and compare. The conclusions to enhance mutual understanding and application of facial expression recognition technology has an important guiding significance.
This paper mainly studies the realization of the facial expression imageacquisition and recognition system based on video, and the system simulation is carried out on the MATLABR2012aplatform to verify the effectiveness of the system for facial expression recognition.
The results of the study show that: the facial expression recognition system is able to effectively identify video facial expression, the conclusion and give visual and corresponding learning suggestions, help to improve the students through the learning quality of distance education learning.
The feature of this paper is: First of all, the LBP (local two value model) is used to extract the feature of human face. Then, the face contour feature histogram is calculated. Finally, the K nearest neighbor classifier is used to classify the facial expressions.
Key Words:facial expression recognition; LBP; K nearest neighbor classifier;emotion analysis; Distance Education


目  录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
目  录    III
第1章绪论    1
1.1课题背景及研究意义    1
1.2国内外研究现状    1
1.2.1远程教育研究现状    1
1.2.2 表情识别技术研究现状    2
1.3论文主要内容    3
1.4论文结构安排    3
第2章 表情识别方法综述    4
2.1表情识别系统综述    4
2.2人脸图像预处理    4
2.2.1图像灰度化    4
2.2.2图像旋转    5
2.2.3尺寸归一化    6
2.2.4图像增强    7
2.3表情图像特征提取    8
2.4表情分类    10
2.5基于视频的表情识别    11
2.5.1视频图像关联性分析    11
2.5.2基于视频的表情识别策略    12
2.6人脸表情库    13
2.7本章小结    14
第3章学习者表情识别系统设计    15
3.1视频帧图像提取及预处理    15
3.2LBP人脸特征提取    15
3.3K近邻分类    17
3.4系统GUI设计    19
3.4.1GUI设计简介    19
3.4.2 GUI设计步骤    21
3.4.3GUI设计中常用组件及属性    21
3.5本章小结    21
第4章 系统实现及结果分析    23
4.1系统运行环境    23
4.2图像获取及预处理模块    23
4.3人脸特征提取模块    25
4.3.1基于ASM的人脸检测、标志    25
4.3.2 人脸图像二值化、凸壳运算    26
4.3.3获取LBP矩阵    28
4.3.4获取人脸纹理直方图    30
4.4分类器训练模块    31
4.5表情判别输出模块    32
4.5.1对单帧图像的表情识别    32
4.5.2对图像序列的表情识别    32
4.5.3识别测试输出    33
4.6系统关闭    33
4.7系统总体设计    34
4.7.1系统总体结构    34
4.7.2系统界面    34
4.8识别效果验证    35
4.9本章小结    37
第5章 总结与展望    38
5.1全文总结    38
5.2发展展望    38
参考文献    40
致  谢    41