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摘  要
关键词:超级电容  脉冲电源  拓扑结构  仿真

Design of pulse power supply based on super capacitor
The technology of pulse power supply has been developed greatly, and its application in various fields is becoming more and more extensive.. And the super capacitor as the main component of the pulse power, it has received the extensive attention of the academic community.
In order to meet the needs of different industries for higher accuracy and higher reliability of impulse power supply system, for the study and design of the pulse power supply of main circuit topology structure has become the industry an important content. This paper mainly introduces the based on super capacitor pulse power simulation experiment of pulse power system main circuit topology structure, the characteristics, and the use of saber circuit simulation software of the main circuit of simulation theory. The main job is:
1. The main circuit of the pulse power supply was established topology: introduced based on super capacitor pulse power supply circuit consisting of and and the parameters of basic element analysis and function of every basic element in the main circuit are analyzed, and point out the basis for the selection of the parameters of each element, through debugging based on the basic principles of the simulation software to determine the parameters of power circuit of the basic elements of the pulse.
2. Through in circuit simulation software saber of pulse power supply circuit topology simulation, circuit in different lines of current and voltage with time change curve to determine their variation effect in a short time (millisecond or microsecond), and this analysis, by adjusting, finally get the best pulse power source main circuit topology to meet the pulse power supply of super capacitor requirements.
Keywords: super capacitor; pulse power supply; topology structure;imitation


目  录
摘  要    I
第一章 绪 论    1
1.1课题的背景及意义    1
1.1.1超级电容技术的发展及其意义    1
1.1.2脉冲电源技术的背景及意义    2
1.2课题的研究现状    3
1.2.1超级电容技术的国内外研究现状及应用    3
1.2.2脉冲电源的应用及研究现状    4
1.3本课题的应用前景    8
1.4本课题的研究意义    9
1.5本文结构    10
第二章 脉冲电源的原理    11
2.1等效模型在脉冲电源电路中的应用    11
2.2超级电容在脉冲电源中应用的优势    14
2.3本文采用的脉冲形成系统    15
2.4脉冲电源的设计要求    17
2.5本章小结    18
第三章 脉冲电源的结构    19
3.1概述    19
3.2脉冲电源总体结构    20
3.3单模块脉冲电源拓扑结构    21
3.4单模块脉冲电源中各元器件的选择    22
3.4.1二极管D的选择条件:    22
3.4.2续流支路吸收电阻R    22
3.4.3调波电抗器L    23
3.4.4储能电容器C    24
3.5 Marx发生器及其外围电路    24
3.5.1 IGBT及 IGBT驱动电路    25
3.5.2 充电电源    25
3.5.3 采用IGBT 的Marx发生器    26
3.6本章小结    28
第四章 脉冲电源的Saber仿真    29
4.1仿真电路的制定和元器件参数的选择    29
4.2初始步长和瞬态分析终止时间的设置    29
4.3仿真结果分析    30
4.3.1脉冲驱动信号波形    30
4.3.2输出脉冲电压波形    31
4.3.3输出脉冲电流波形    32
4.4 本章小结    33
第五章  总结与展望    34
参考文献    35
致  谢    37