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关键词:stm32 红外探测 超声波避障 道路循迹 自动超车

This design mainly focuses on the design of intelligent overtaking control system based on STM32F103 series microprocessor as the core. The composition of this unmanned overtaking system mainly includes STM32F103 controller, motor drive circuit, infrared detection circuit and ultrasonic obstacle avoidance circuit. This design adopts microprocessor STM32F103 as main control chip, using PWM technology to overtake the system speed and steering gear's steering control ultrasonic carry, the function of each module implements different, tracking module mainly is used to detect the black line on the ground, obstacle avoidance module, test the front obstacle distance and realize the function of the automatic obstacle avoidance, overtaking system's overall function expanded from peripheral circuit implementation and completion. Intelligent vehicle on the road, driving program set priorities, make obstacle avoidance process priority is higher than the tracking procedure, using circuit of ultrasonic obstacle avoidance obstacle detection and obstacle avoidance of the distance, and base for ultrasonic module equipped with steering gear to control ultrasonic multi-angle launch control, implement multi-azimuth obstacle avoidance, unmanned vehicle tracking function implementation by infrared detection circuit


目 录
摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1课题简介    1
1.1国内外无人智能车辆研究现状    1
1.2研究思路    2
第二章 软硬件设计    3
2.1超车系统总框架    3
2.1中央处理模块    3
2.1.2 stm32最小系统电路设计    4
2.1.4 stm32中断介绍    6
2.1.5 stm32定时/计数器介绍    7
2.2 电机驱动模块    7
2.2.1 驱动模块结构及其原理    7
2.2.2 驱动模块电路设计    8
2.2.3驱动软件程序设计    9
2.3 避障模块设计    11
2.3.1 避障模块器件结构及其原理    12
2.3.2 HC-SR04模块硬件电路设计    13
2.3.3 HC-SR04模块程序设计    14
2.4循迹模块设计    17
2.4.1 循迹模块结构和工作原理    17
2.4.2 循迹模块电路设计    18
2.4.3 红外循迹模块程序设计    19
2.5 超车系统综合设计方案    22
第三章 软件调试    24
3.1程序仿真    24
3.2程序下载    25
第四章 无人车系统测试    27
4.1无人车的整体硬件概况    27
4.2无人车整体系统的功能测试    27
4.2.1无人车自动前进探索盲区功能    27
4.2.2无人车自动寻道行驶功能    27
4.2.3无人车的自动超车控制系统功能    28
第五章 总结    29
参考文献    31
致谢    33