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关键词: 话筒  声控电路  光控电路  整流电路  延时开关  电子开关
The stanza electricity illuminates the design of electric circuit
In order to save electricity, energy-saving lighting circuit design is very necessary, energy-saving lighting circuit has a practical, low cost, easy to install easy to operate, can be applied to a wide range of characteristics. This thesis elaborated saving lighting circuits is sound and light control power-saving lighting circuit. The hardware circuit consists of seven parts, namely the microphone, the voice circuit, a signal conversion circuit, control circuit, a switching circuit, a delay circuit and power circuit. The main function is to collect the microphone sound signal, which can be the sound signals into electrical signals, and then through the light control circuit and the switching circuit to control the operation of the circuit condition. Signal conversion circuit's main role is to convert electrical signals to the DC control voltage. Delay circuit is provided to a more rational and efficient use of resources and design, the power supply circuit mainly used for the bridge rectifier circuit for rectifying AC power supply. You can make a voice no light bulb in the working environment, other circumstances will not work, so you can save a lot of electricity.
Keywords:Words tube;The voice controls;electric circuit;Only control electric circuit;Commutate electric circuit;While postponing switch;Electronics switch


摘要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1课题背景与现状    1
1.2课题的研究目的与意义    1
1.3各种不同实现方案的讨论    2
1.4声光控电路多种实现方案    2
1.5设计要求    4
1.5.1设计内容    4
1.5.2全文结构    4
第二章 单元电路的设计    5
2.1声控电路设计    5
2.2信号转变电路的设计    6
2 .3光控电路的设计    6
2.4开关电路的设计    7
2.6电源电路的设计    9
第三章  整体电路的设计总结    11
第四章 电路仿真    13
4.1节电照明电路仿真图    13
4.2仿真过程中遇到的问题和解决方案    14
第五章  电路调试    15
5.1电路的功能的验证与调试    15
5.2电路调试过程中出现的问题和解决方法    17
结 语    18
参考文献    19
附 录    20
致 谢    21