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摘 要
此课题为作息时间控制电路,由单片机最小系统、LCD显示模块、按键模块、闹钟模块组成。采用单片机AT89C52与11MHZ晶振相连;通过三个按键,分别为K1、K2、K3,实现对时间的校对;用来显示时间的是LCD显示模块,显示形式是“年/月/日 星期 时/分/秒”,并可以根据需要,通过闹钟模块进行定时打铃动作,表现为蜂鸣器发声。
    关键词  AT89C52单片机  液晶显示器LCD1602  DS1302时钟芯片
Schedule control circuit design
The design of the rest of the time controller, from the smallest single-chip system, a key module, digital tube display module, alarm module. Using single chip microcomputer AT89S52 and 12MHZ crystal connected through keys; K1, K2, K3, K4 control the time correction, alarm time setting; digital tube display module to display the time, the display format for "time", and according to the needs of display year, month, day, by the digital tube decimal point flashing counts as a second alarm module; then remind and make corresponding action: the LED flashes, while playing music.
This class set, time through the clock chip DS1302 design time, it can be timed to the year, month, day, week, when, minutes and seconds, and has a leap year compensation and other functions. The time information is generated by a DS1302 clock chip, by the MCU to read, and then output to LCD1602 LCD display. The whole process, DS1302 as a time source, SCM as handling tool, and LCD1602 is the output of the final.
The design using C  programming, due to less portable assembly language, C language is more flexible. Many functions can be transplanted directly past.
Keywords: AT89C52 single chip computer ;LCD1602;DS1302


摘 要    - 2 -
ABSTRACT    - 3 -
第一章:引言    - 1 -
1.1概述    - 1 -
1.2本论文的设计任务    - 2 -
1.3全文的结构    - 2 -
第二章:硬件设计    - 3 -
2.1 设计目的及基本要求    - 3 -
2.1.1 基本目的    - 3 -
2.1.2 基本要求    - 3 -
2.2系统总体方案及模块硬件设计    - 3 -
2.2.1  系统总体方案框图    - 3 -
2.2.2  按键控制模块    - 3 -
2.2.3  时间显示模块    - 4 -
2.2.4  响铃模块    - 6 -
2.2.5 单片机模块    - 6 -
2.3硬件电路器件详细    - 8 -
2.3.1  器件选型    - 8 -
2.3.2  器件介绍    - 8 -
2.3.3  51单片机简介    - 11 -
第三章:软件设计    - 13 -
3.1    系统软件设计思想    - 13 -
3.2 系统主程序    - 13 -
3.3 程序    - 14 -
3.4系统仿真    - 16 -
第四章:调试及故障排除    - 18 -
系统调试    - 18 -
故障一:    - 18 -
故障二:    - 19 -
总结    - 20 -
参考文献    - 21 -
致谢    - 23 -
附录1    - 24 -