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摘 要

At present, for the urban traffic in our country, with the increase in the number of cars, caused by the road crowded, the occurrence of traffic accidents, various reasons makes travel rate is reduced. For the urban traffic, the core of the problem is the intersection signal control. If the traffic light control system can be optimized, the urban traffic has been significantly improved. For urban traffic conditions, road traffic volume is large and complex, the government introduced some measures to limit line, can not fundamentally solve the problem, it is difficult to meet the requirements of the broad masses of the people. From the long-term development, in order to optimize the traffic problem must make fewer cars parking, reasonable use Traffic lights control time, to a greater extent of control of exhaust emissions. Therefore, to solve this problem need to establish a more perfect traffic light control system.
This article embarks from the urban road traffic, first consider the single intersection, by use of the fuzzy control theory, to control, the single crossing traffic lights with distribution method. And the roads and traffic in theory combined with the fuzzy control, from theory reduce a single fork vehicle delay time error, so as to enhance the rate of road traffic, the road smoother.
Fuzzy control of the intelligent control theory is used to control the urban road traffic is the highlight of this paper. In this paper, from the simple single fork mouth of, to the traffic light timing, take matlab simulation. Results: the fuzzy control can be of more traffic flow coordination, and can greatly reduce the phase delay of green light, followed by induction control mode, control effect is the worst is timing control method, adopt fuzzy control can reduce waiting time in the intersection of vehicle.
Key words: traffic control; sub area division; fuzzy control; fuzzy rule


目 录
摘 要    I
Abstract    II
目 录    III
第1章绪论    1
1.1课题研究的背景与意义    1
1.1.1课题的背景    1
1.1.2课题的目的与意义    2
1.2城市交通控制的发展概况    3
1.2.1国外交通控制的发展状况    3
1.2.2国内交通控制的发展状况    4
1.3课题的研究内容与安排    4
第2章交通控制基础    6
2.1交通流参数统计分布规律    6
2.2交通控制参数    7
第3章交通控制子区划分方法研究    10
3.1影响交通控制子区划分的因素    10
3.1.1控制子区划分方法    10
3.1.2相邻交叉口间距    11
3.1.3交通流量    12
3.1.4相邻交叉口信号周期时长比值    12
3.2子区划分的关键路口确定方法    13
3.3关键路口确定和子区划分的具体算法与流程    14
3.3.1关键路口确定的具体算法    14
3.3.2子区划分的具体流程    15
第4章单交叉口信号配时模糊控制仿真基础    16
4.1模糊控制基本原理    16
4.1.1模糊控制理论基础    16
4.1.2模糊控制器设计流程步骤    16
4.1.3模糊控制器的基本组成    17
4.2单交叉口模糊控制器的设计    18
4.2.1模糊控制器的设计步骤    18
4.2.2单交叉口模糊控制器重要输入系统    23
4.2.3单交叉口模糊控制器输出系统    25
4.2.4单交叉口模糊控制规则的设计    25
4.2.5单交叉口模糊控制清晰化方法    26
4.3单交叉口模糊控制系统仿真分析    26
4.3.1MATLABFUZZY工具箱简介    26
4.3.2控制变量输入输出隶属函数的设计    27
4.3.3仿真结果输出    27
4.3.4仿真结果对比分析    29
第五章 总结与展望    31
5.1主要研究结论    31
5.2研究展望    31
参考文献    33