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Research on gesture recognition technology based on computer vision
Abstract:In the new century, human-computer interaction technology has developed rapidly, and human-computer interaction based on gesture has been introduced. Gesture is a natural and intuitive form of interactive communication. The purpose of this study is how to recognize gestures based on computer vision. This thesis introduces the basic theory of gesture recognition and the basic flow of gesture recognition. Firstly, using Camshift algorithm to track gestures, and then extract the gesture image from the video, and the pretreatment and feature extraction of the image, finally establishing gesture sample library and compared with the sample treated gesture image, and identify the gesture.
Key words:human-computer interaction, gesture recognition


目 录
1 绪论    1
1.1手势识别研究的意义    1
1.2手势识别国内外研究现状    1
1.3论文的主要研究内容    1
1.4论文的组织结构    2
1.5基于视觉的手势跟踪与识别流程图    2
2  基于计算机视觉的手势识别基础理论    2
2.1模式识别概述    3
2.2基于计算机视觉手势跟踪理论    4
2.3基于计算机视觉手势识别理论    4
2.3.1神经网络算法    5
2.3.2基于模板的匹配算法    6
2.3.3统计分析算法    6
2.3.4隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)    7
2.4基于计算机视觉的手势跟踪与识别系统    7
3  手势图像预处理及特征提取    8
3.1手势图像预处理    8
3.1.1图像平滑    8
3.1.2图像色彩空间转换    9
3.1.3图像二值化    10
3.1.4形态学处理    11
3.2手势图像特征提取    12
4 手势跟踪算法研究    12
4.1 Camshift跟踪算法    13
4.1.1颜色概率模型    13
5 实验    15
5.1系统的软硬件环境及功能    15
5.2实验    16
5.2.1手势图像获取及手势样本库的建立    16
5.2.2手势图像的预处理    16
5.3手势跟踪实验结果及分析    17
5.4实时手势识别实验结果及分析    19
5.4.1手势识别系统流程    19
6 总结与展望    19
参考文献    20
致谢    20