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An ultrasonic level gauge with wireless transceiver function
Abstract:This topic is based on the principle of ultrasonic distance measurement,combined with the existing level measurement technology, designed a STM32 based on the new ultrasonic level gauge hardware system and software systems,and transmitted through the wireless module to the host computer display system.In order to improve the measurement accuracy and the system's anti-jamming performance,the design uses a series of improvement measures, such as the selection of the appropriate components,using the appropriate circuit layout and wiring to prevent interference.Experiments and analysis results show that this design of the level gauge measurement accuracy is higher, the reliability is better.
Keywords:Ultrasonic; Level measurement; STM32


目 录
1.引言    1
1.1研究背景及意义    1
1.2常见的液位传感器    1
1.3国内外研究现状    2
1.4本论文主要工作安排    2
2.超声波测距的工作原理及优缺点    3
2.1超声波测距的工作原理    3
2.2超声波测量的优缺点    3
3.系统总体设计    4
3.1 系统总体功能介绍    4
3.2总体框图设计    4
4.系统硬件设计    5
4.1核心芯片的选取    5
4.1.1芯片供电电路    8
4.1.2晶体振荡电路    9
4.1.3复位电路    9
4.1.4启动模式电路    10
4.2超声波测距模块    11
4.2.1 超声波模块介绍    11
4.2.2超声波模块电路设计    12
4.3无线收发模块    14
4.4液晶显示模块    15
5.系统软件设计    16
5.1初始化及主程序模块介绍    16
5.2超声波测距模块介绍    16
5.3液晶显示模块介绍    17
5.4无线收发模块介绍    18
5.5开发环境介绍    19
5.5.1 Keil编译器    19
5.5.2 Altium Designer软件    20
6.系统的软硬件联调    20
6.1实物调试    21
6.2误差分析    22
6.3实物图展示    22
7.结论    22
参考文献    23
致谢    24
附录    25