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Design of The System of Hand-written Numeral Recognition Based on Image Recognition
  Today's society, the global economic integration makes the Arabic numerals that the wealth of characters all the time does not appear in the side. Of course, numbers can not only be used to express wealth, we live every day to contact the use of a large number of numbers, such as identity card number, invoice data, mathematical figures. It may be envisaged that if we can use information automation means, through the machine to identify the daily contact with the massive amount of digital information, society will save a lot of manpower and material resources, production efficiency will be greatly improved. If you can design such a digital identification system, the community will have a high economic efficiency. In addition to the high practical application value, handwritten numeral recognition is also an important problem in the field of pattern recognition, and also has important theoretical value.
  In the third chapter, we propose a feature extraction and recognition algorithm based on nine feature dimensions, and give an application example: handwritten numeral recognition in student transcripts. The main work is to pretreat the image, mainly image binarization, digital extraction, smoothing filtering, normalization, minimum filtering, refinement and other image processing methods. The use of MATLAB function to extract the figures in the transcripts, and then select the structural features of the features of the digital template matching method can be used to identify the numbers.
Key words:digital recognition, feature extraction, knowledge base, template matching

目 录
一、绪论    1
1.1研究背景及理论意义    1
1.2识别系统性能的评价    1
1.3研究现状    2
1.4本文的研究工作    2
二、数字识别算法    4
2.1基于BP神经网络的识别算法    4
2.2基于结构特征的识别算法    6
2.2.1 Rapid变换系数法     6
2.2.2图像的不变性特征量提取    6
2.2.3方向统计特征量的提取    7
三、手写体数字识别    7
3.1方案设计    7
3.2提取数字    8
3.2.1图像预处理    9
3.2.2数字分离提取    9
3.3识别数字    10
3.3.1细化    10
3.3.2统一规格化    11
3.3.3再细化    11
3.3.4特征提取    11
3.3.5知识库构建    12
3.3.6模板匹配    13
3.4小结    13
四、 全文总结与展望    15
参考文献    16
致谢    18