摘 要
关键词:图像处理 BP网络神经 霍夫变换 MATLAB
Design of license plate recognition system based
on MATLAB and neural network
The electronic information management of the highway transportation is now becoming more and more popular traffic management mode. This method has quick response speed, wide measuring range, high sensitivity, long time advantages, so it is widely used in the monitoring of various traffic routes. License plate recognition is the core of information management,
Now the license plate recognition system is divided into several parts including license plate image processing, neural network establishment, sample matching, text output. Image processing is based on the license plate recognition system, for the treatment of inclination by Hough transformation. After the requirements of image processing can also reduce the license plate position of fouling effect on the matching result to the accurate positioning. In the image processing system, I take the image transformation, image enhancement, edge location. template matching and text display image in the end. Template matching is currently in the international there are several ways, this design uses BP neural network matching. The test shows that the system can accurately locate the license plate position and make the template matching and text output. But the accuracy and stability of the measurement needs to be improved.
Keywords:Image processing; BP neural network matching;Hough transformation; MATLAB

摘 要 I
Abstract II
第一章 绪论 1
1.1 车牌识别的背景 1
1.2车牌识别的研究现状 1
1.3本论文主要任务 2
1.4论文结构安排 2
第二章 车牌识别系统整体简介 4
2.1前期图像处理简介 4
2.2车牌定位和字符切割 5
2.3BP神经网络的介绍 6
第三章 车牌图像的前期处理 7
3.1车牌图像格式和尺寸的处理 7
3.1.1图像的格式归一化 7
3.1.2图像的灰度化 7
3.2 图像的色彩处理 8
3.2.1图像特征增强 9
3.2.2图像的二值化 9
3.2.3车牌背景颜色的统一 10
第四章 车牌定位系统的设计 12
4.1车牌纠正的现有几种方案 12
4.1.1现有的几种纠正方法介绍 12
4.1.2霍夫变换 12
4.2 车牌干扰去除和字符切割 13
4.2.1上下铆钉的去除 13
4.2.2车牌字符的分割 14
第五章 BP神经网络和模板匹配 16
5.1字符识别技术简介 16
5.2字符特征提取 17
5.3神经网络 19
第六章 系统调试 21
6.1软件调试 21
6.2 调试软件介绍 24
第七章 总结 26
7.1 论文小结 26
7.2 下一步工作 26
致谢 27
参考文献 28
附录A 系统源程序 30