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Design and Development of Home Fire Alarm System
Abstract:Creating a comfortable and safe family environment is of great significance to social stability and people’s well-being.At present, fire and burglary problems in residential buildings are plagued by people.The main reason is that the vast majority of fire prevention and security systems are developed for large-scale sites. Their high prices and complicated operations are not suitable for residential buildings. Therefore, it is imperative to design a low-cost, safe and reliable home fire protection system. This paper designed a fire alarm system based on STC89C52 microcontroller and used multiple sensors to detect the environmental information of the house.Once the detection of illegal intrusion or high temperature or the leakage of flammable gas such as natural gas, the system can not only immediately send out sound and light alarm, but also send text messages to remind him of someone in the family to invade or a fire, thus ensuring family safety and reducing property damage.After practice tests, the system is stable and reliable, simple operation, high sensitivity, suitable for the vast majority of ordinary families.
Key words: household;Fire and security;sensor


1 绪论    1
1.1    课题设计背景    1
1.2    国内外研究现状    1
1.3    主要研究内容    2
2 功能需求和整体方案设计    2
2.1 系统功能需求    2
2.2 系统设计总体思路    3
3系统硬件设计    4
3.1 单片机最小系统    4
3.2 电源电路设计    5
3.3 烟雾检测电路设计    6
3.4 温度测量电路设计    7
3.5 人体感应电路设计    9
3.6 无线通讯电路设计    10
3.7 声光报警电路设计    11
3.8 显示模块电路设计    12
3.9 按键电路设计    12
4 系统软件设计    13
4.1    程序语言设计    13
4.2 主程序流程图    13
4.3 防盗程序流程图    14
4.4 防火程序流程图    15
4.5 按键去抖动流程图    16
5 系统调试与展示    17
5.1 硬件调试    17
5.2 软件调试    18
5.3设计成果展示    19
6 总结与展望    23
6.1总结    23
6.2展望    23
参考文献    24
致谢    26