摘要: 在很多场合或者控制系统中,距离都是一个重要的参数并且需要被检测,因此要完成数据采集则必须解决好测距的问题。因为声速远远小于光速,相对来说比较容易检测声波传递的时间,并且易于发射,方向性好,控制性较好,因而利用声波进行测距较为容易实现。本设计以虚拟仪器LabVIEW为平台,在普通笔记本电脑上开发,用于较短距离的测量,并且不需要接触。其中虚拟信号发生器和虚拟数字示波器的程序均利用LabVIEW编写。
Design of an Sonic Wave Distance Measurement System in LabVIEW Environment
Abstract: In many situations or control systems, distance is an important parameter and needs to be detected. Therefore, to complete the data acquisition, it is necessary to solve the problem of distance measurement. Because the sound speed is far less than the speed of light, it is relatively easy to detect the time of transmission of sound waves, and is easy to launch, with good direction and good control, so it is easier to use acoustic wave for distance measurement. The design is based on virtual instrument LabVIEW, and is developed on ordinary PC machine for accurate measurement of non-contact short distance. The virtual signal generator and virtual digital oscilloscope are designed on LabVIEW.
Key words: virtual instrument;LabVIEW;sonic wave;distance measurement

目 录
1.绪论 1
1.1课题的提出及意义 1
1.1.1 课题的提出 1
1.1.2 课题的意义 1
1.2 国内外研究概况 1
1.3 课题主要研究内容 2
1.4 仿真平台LabVIEW 2
2.系统原理分析 5
3.硬件系统 7
4.软件系统 8
4.1虚拟信号发生器设计 8
4.2虚拟数字示波器的设计 10
5.调试结果及误差分析 16
6.工作总结与未来展望 17
6.1.工作总结 17
6.2.未来展望及后续工作 17
参考文献 17
致谢 20