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Design of intelligentpedometerfor health indicators
In the 21st century, people's living standards have greatly improved. People who care about health are also growing.We all know that running is a typical way of exercising. Indeed, health needs to come out. Then, how to express the health status of the human body through objective data has become an important issue of concern. This article will design a smart pedometer that solves this problem and meets other user needs.
This article firstly summarizes the research status of pedometer and the research status of the algorithm, and puts forward the method used in this design, then analyzes the composition of the hardware module and the function of each module, then carries on the software program design, and finally adjusts the test and summarizes . The intelligent pedometer design of this paper includes four parts: acquisition, storage and transmission of acceleration data, display of step counting parameters and data synchronization of mobile terminals. The ADLX345 triaxial accelerometer first acquires the acceleration data. After the data processing of the STC89C52 control module, it is displayed on the LCD together with the data such as height, weight, step size, calories, etc., and then the Bluetooth module is used to link the data to the mobile phone.
Through testing, the functions of each module of this subject basically meet the requirements of this design.
Key words: single chip microcomputer; liquid crystal display; acceleration sensor



摘要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 研究目的及意义    1
1.2 国内外计步器的发展    1
1.3 计步器的原理及分类    2
1.3.1  单功能计步器............................................................................................3
1.3.2  3D计步器..................................................................................................3
1.3.3  计步器手表................................................................................................4
1.4 论文结构安排    4
第二章 方案设计与模块选择    5
2.1 基于蓝牙和计步器的融合定位算法.........................................................    ...5
2.2 基于信号能量自适应门限检测方法.............................................................5
2.3 智能运动计步器监测算法.............................................................................6
2.4 设计总方案    7
2.5 本章小结    8
第三章 硬件电路设计    9
3.1 系统设计需求    9
3.2 单片机最小系统原理介绍及定性分析    10
3.3 其余子模块原理介绍及定性分析    10
3.3.1 ADXL345加速度传感器    10
3.3.2 LCD1602液晶显示屏    12
3.3.3 HC-05蓝牙模块    12
3.3.4 按键电路设计    14
3.4 硬件原理定量分析    14
3.5 本章小结.......................................................................................................17
第四章 计步器软件设计   
4.1 主程序模块    18
4.2 数据采集模块    18
4.3数据显示模块    21
4.4 其余子程序模块    22
4.5 本章小结    23
第五章 系统测试与结果展示    24
5.1 系统测试    24
5.2 结果展示    24
第六章 总结与展望    25
6.1 工作总结    25
6.2 工作展望    25
参考文献    26
致   谢    28