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Design and realize of intelligent air conditioning control system
The so-called intelligent air conditioning is to be able to respond intelligently to customers' demands and finally create a more comfortable working and living environment for customers. This topic mainly completed the design and implementation of intelligent air conditioning system, the system can real-time detect the temperature of the environment, and temperature can be real-time transfer to mobile phones, and realize the wireless control of the system within a certain scope. In this system, temperature data is measured by temperature sensor, and the initial data is processed by MCU. The temperature data is transmitted to the mobile terminal through Bluetooth in real time. The voice chip is used to give voice prompt when on, off and temperature reaches the set value. You can also play music as needed. This paper will start with the introduction of the overall scheme design, and then introduce the system hardware design in detail, including the choice of scheme, the introduction of chip, and the realization of circuit. The next step is the process of system software design. The description method of flow chart and text is adopted to show the working condition of software more clearly. Finally, the function debugging and summary, and then complete the whole system design.
Key words: Intelligent air conditioning;MCU;Bluetooth;Voice chip;Sensor


第一章 绪论    1
1.1 选题背景及意义    1
1.2智能空调的研究发展趋势    1
1.3 智能空调发展现状    2
1.4本课题任务    2
第二章 系统方案设计    2
2.1 系统功能设计    2
2.2主要模块方案选择    3
第三章 系统硬件设计    5
3.1 处理器部分    5
3.1.1 处理器方案选择    5
3.1.2 STC89C52单片机简介    6
3.1.3 处理器电路实现    6
3.2 温度采集部分    7
3.2.1 温度传感器的方案选择    8
3.2.2 DS18B20温度传感器的简介    8
3.2.3温度采集电路的实现    8
3.3 显示部分    9
3.3.1 显示器的方案选择    9
3.3.2 OLED显示屏简介    9
3.3.3 OLED显示部分的实现    10
3.4 无线传输部分    10
3.4.1 无线传输的方案选择    10
3.4.2 蓝牙芯片简介    11
3.4.3 无线传输模块的实现    11
3.5 语音提醒模块    12
3.5.1 语音提醒方案选择    12
3.5.2 JQ6500芯片简介    13
3.5.3 语音提醒模块的实现    13
第四章 系统软件设计    14
4.1 整体程序设计    14
4.2 温度采集与处理部分程序设计    15
4.3 定时与中断部分程序设计    18
4.4 按键调控部分程序设计    20
第五章 结果与调试    22
5.1 手动控制功能调试结果    22
5.2 无线控制功能的调试结果    23
第六章 小结与展望    27
参考文献    29
附录一 硬件电路连接总图    31
附录二 实物连接总图    32
附录三 程序源代码    33