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关键词:ZigBee技术      磁阻传感器    车位检测

Parking space detection system based on ZigBeeand magnetic Sensor
Abstract:From the point of view of parking space detection ,compared with some of the mature parking space  detection  means which have the problem of instability,high cost and limited application, this paper comes up with a parking detectors based on  magnetic sensor. It is mainly used to solve the parking lot parking problem.This design checks the changes in the magnetic fieldaround the parking spaces toJudge the presence or absence of parking spaces through the measurement of the sensor. Ittransmits the data by using the ZigBee networking technology. It
can achieve the function of parking space detection at the entrance to the parking lot.Ithas acertain positive significance in practical application of the parking lot.
Key words:ZigBeemagnetic Sensor  Parking space detection


一、引言    5
1.1选题的目的和意义    5
1.2国内外现状    5
1.3本文的主要研究    6
二、车位检测技术和无线网络    7
2.1磁阻传感器车位检测原理:    7
2.1.1磁阻效应:    7
2.1.2各向异性磁阻传感器检测原理:    8
2.2 ZigBee技术    8
2.2.1 ZigBee技术特点    8
2.2.2 ZigBee网络结构    9
三、检测系统的硬件电路设计    11
3.1 微处理器模块    12
3.1.1晶振电路的设计    13
3.1.2电源去耦和旁路电路设计    13
3.1.3射频电路的设计    14
3.2电源模块    14
3.3传感器模块    15
3.4串口通信模块    17
3.5 JTAG调试接口    17
3.6 oled显示模块    18
3.7按键和指示灯的设计    18
3.8硬件电路pcb设计    19
四、车位检测系统的软件设计    20
4.1开发环境    20
4.2 I2C总线驱动程序设计:    21
4.3 ZigBee组网技术    23
4.3.1 Z-Stack协议栈结构:    23
4.3.2数据的发送和接收    28
4.3.3串口通信:    29
4.4 车位检测算法    30
五、系统调试    30
5.1系统的硬件调试    30
5.2系统的软件调试    31
5.3系统测试    31
六、总结和展望    35
参考文献    37
致谢    38