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摘  要

The family fire alarm control system based on Microcontroller
With the development of society and economy, the fire work is more and more important, but many of the current domestic research are focused on the large space fire alarm.Therefore, it is necessary to design a simple structure, economical and practical family smoke alarm to adapt to the needs of the market.The basic requirements of the smoke alarm for household use based on should have and function, this paper designs a smoke alarm is suitable for the.
The design of the sensor and single-chip microcomputer as the core device smoke alarm design, with other devices can achieve sound and light alarm, automatic exhaust ventilation and fire extinguishing function.Design of single chip STC89C52 is selected as the control device, the selection of sensor for detection of MQ-2 type semiconductor gas sensitive element smoke sensor smoke.The smoke alarm is mainly composed of smoke signal acquisition and the preamplifier circuit, analog-digital conversion circuit, single-chip microcomputer control circuit, display circuit, alarm circuit and protection circuit, reasonable design, simple, low price, make full use of MCU alarm system in the control of the smoke, and has a certain practical value.The main thesis of the smoke alarm system for the various components and functions are introduced and explained, and the connection mode of the main control circuit and peripheral equipment circuit interface, and the software design of the system is analyzed and the explanation of the key.
Key words: The smoke alarm; MCU; sensor


目   录
摘  要    I
Abstract    II
第一章 引言    1
1.1课题背景    1
1.2烟雾报警器的国内外现状    1
    1.3烟雾报警器的发展趋势    2
1.4设计任务分析    2
1.5设计概述    3
第二章  方案设计    4
2.1 烟雾传感器的选择    4
2.2 温度采集模块    5
2.2.1 温度传感器介绍    5
2.2.2 温度采集的方案    6
2.3 单片机选择    6
2.3.1 单片机应用分类    7
第三章 系统的硬件电路设计    10
3.1单片机最小系统    10
3.1.1单片机最小系统介绍    10
3.1.2  单片机的时钟电路与复位电路设计    11
3.2 烟雾检测AD采集电路    11
3.3 温度传感器(DS18B20)电路    12
3.3.1  DSl8B20简介    12
3.3.2  DSl8B20具体参数及工作方式    13
3.3.3  DS18B20接口电路    15
3.4 显示模块    16
3.5 声音报警电路    16
3.6 按键控制电路    17
3.7电源模块    17
    3.8 TC35通信模块及外围电路    18
   3.8.1  TC35模块内部结构    18
   3.8.2  TC35外围硬件    19
   3.8.3  TC35连机通信    21
第四章 系统软件的设计    24
   4.1 主流程图    24
       4.2.1 主函数    25
       4.2.2 报警函数    26
       4.2.3 按键函数    28
       4.2.4 串口初始化函数    35
第五章 硬件调试及调试中遇到的问题    36
5.1硬件调试中遇到的问题    36
5.2电路的调试    36
5.2.1紧急报警调试    36
5.2.2温度调试    36
5.2.3烟雾等级调试    37
5.2.4短信报警调试    37
第六章 总结评价    37
致  谢    38
参考文献    38