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摘   要
关键词:STM32 液晶屏  触摸屏    FSMC    
The Design of Touch Screen Driver Based on STM32
With the development of technology, modern electronics, microcontroller and touch phones, navigation devices and other embedded devices in the electronic measurement instruments and other equipment, and consulting terminal has a very wide range of applications. It gives the media a new look, a very practical multimedia interactive device. Touch screen in our very broad range of applications.
In this paper, the design is based on “ye huo STM32103VET6” development board. Interface extension through its FSMC LCD touch screen, LCD screen using FSMC interface driver chip, so you can call the library functions STM32 drive LCD screen, it makes LCD screen work higher efficiency. Four-wire touch screen panel has a strong anti-interference. This design has a flexible programming, fast response, low power consumption, program modularity advantages.
Finally, based on the completion of the development of the system to be tested. Hardware, control module and LCD driver modules are working properly. Software, via the LCD screen and touch screen driver display driver makes the hardware work properly. And slate function has high performance, can accurately determine the touch point will not occur at high speed to draw a broken line drawing phenomenon.
Keywords: STM32  LCD screen  touch screen  FSMC


目  录
摘   要    I
第一章 绪论    1
1.1 引言    1
1.2 国内外的研究现状    1
1.3 本文所做工作及论文结构    3
第二章 触摸屏电路和驱动整体设计    4
2.1 系统整体设计    4
2.2 系统设计要求    4
第三章 触摸屏驱动硬件电路设计    5
3.1 STM32最小系统    5
3.1.1 电源电路    5
3.1.2 复位电路    6
3.1.3 晶振电路    6
3.1.4 主控模块原理图    7
3.2 LCD液晶屏控制电路    8
3.3 LCD触摸屏控制电路    9
3.4 LCD液晶模块原理图    10
第四章 触摸屏驱动及应用软件设计    11
4.1 触摸屏软件总体设计    11
4.2 液晶屏驱动及应用函数    13
4.2.1 FSMC端口及模式初始化    13
4.2.2 利用FSMC向ILI9341写入数据和命令    15
4.2.3 读ILI9341的数据    17
4.2.4在指定位置开一个窗    18
4.2.5 在指定点或者矩形区域显示特定颜色    20
4.2.6 在指定点间画直线    21
4.2.7显示汉字、字符、数字    23
4.3 触摸屏驱动及应用函数    24
4.3.1 SPI初始化配置    24
4.3.2 XPT2046触摸屏中断函数的配置    26
4.3.3 获取X、Y的坐标值    27
4.3.4 坐标值校准    27
4.4 画板应用程序    28
4.4.1 画板界面设计    28
4.4.2 画板函数实现    29
4.4.3 主函数    31
第五章 触摸屏驱动软硬件调试    33
5.1 系统软件调试    33
5.2 性能测试    33
5.1.1 触摸屏校准程序测试    33
5.1.2 画板程序测试    34
总结及展望    36
参考文献    37
致  谢    38